"Rowan University's converted triples: impacts on roommate relationship" by Laura Blazewicz


Laura Blazewicz

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. Higher Education


Educational Services, Administration, and Higher Education


College of Education


Sisco, Burton


College students--Housing


Higher Education


The primary purpose of this study was to explore selected freshmen students that were assigned to triple rooms for the 2014-2015 academic year and see how a student's assignment to a triple room impacted his or her roommate relationships and possibly led to the fostering of social density. The students were incoming freshmen in the class of 2018 living in Evergreen, Oak, or Laurel Halls and were either general freshmen or freshmen students participating in the Engineering Learning Community. At the end of the fall 2014 semester freshmen students assigned to quad, triple, double, and single rooms were surveyed to give feedback regarding their experiences living in their particular residential space with or without roommates. There was particular interest to see if the tripled rooms on Rowan University's campus for this upcoming year, the 32 rooms within Oak, 31 rooms within Laurel, and the 118 rooms within Evergreen Hall, fostered social density and impacted a student's roommate relationships compared to freshmen students living in quad, double, or single rooms in Evergreen, Oak, or Laurel Hall. Subjects reported that they were satisfied and having a positive experience with their residential environment and roommate(s). Furthermore, they reported that they did not feel their residential environment was overcrowded or socially dense. Overall, students in double and triple rooms stated they were very satisfied or satisfied with their current residential environment and the roommate relationship(s) they had built and maintained.
