"Raising awareness in study abroad" by Leslie Gassler


Leslie Gassler

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

Ed.D. Educational Leadership


Educational Leadership


College of Education


Walpole, MaryBeth


Foreign study; International education; Education, Higher--United States


Higher Education Administration


As a result of globalization, U.S. students need to acquire international knowledge, intercultural communication skills, and a global perspective in order to compete, succeed, and contribute to the interconnected world and global economy of the 21st century (Leask, 2001; Obst, Bhandari, & Witherell, 2007). Study abroad programs have been found to provide students with the necessary skills and competence required for the 21st century. The purpose of this action research study was to examine honors students' intercultural competency and the barriers they saw to studying abroad, and to develop of online study abroad information and promote a study abroad information session. This study focused on undergraduate honors students at Greenwich University, a four-year mid-Atlantic public university during the 2010-2012 academic years. In order to determine how to raise honors students' awareness in study abroad, this research study measured two concepts. One concept measured was an individual's experience, interests, and challenges regarding study abroad. The second concept measured was how an individual understands his intercultural development. The conceptual framework of this four cycle action research dissertation centered on collecting data to determine honors students' intercultural levels and their perceptions of study abroad, and to identify barriers they believed existed. Data was then used to create an online study abroad information link and promote a study abroad information session. Through surveys, focus groups, and interviews with Greenwich University honors students, I was able to determine that the online study abroad information link and the promotion of the study abroad information session affected awareness of study abroad. information link and promote a study abroad information session. Through surveys, focus groups, and interviews with Greenwich University honors students, I was able to determine that the online study abroad information link and the promotion of the study abroad information session affected awareness of study abroad.
