"The effects on student understanding when questioning techniques are u" by Ashleyann R. Iannelli

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Degree Name

M.A. Reading Education


Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Education


College of Education


Abraham, Stephanie


metacognition, metacognitive awareness, Question Answer Relationships, questioning techniques, ReQuest


Metacognition in children; Reading comprehension; Questioning


Elementary Education and Teaching


If students are taught strategies to use when they come across informational texts, then they will be able to apply this information when they come across complex texts. Students not only need to be aware of the strategies, but they need to have the metacognitive ability of when to use the best strategy for the task at hand. In order to determine how student comprehension improves once strategy instruction has been given, I chose to do a survey that focused on questions referring to the children’s metacognitive awareness. I gave that survey in the beginning and then at the end of the study. Along with that, I wrote notes during my small group lessons. The last type of data I collected was student work samples. The data concluded that most of the students were able to determine how this strategy was effective and were able to ask questions of varying difficult with support. A significant amount of the group’s comprehension increased as well. One thing that the data all share is the fact that it would be difficult to say that at this point in time the children are independently successful with this strategy. However, it can be concluded that instruction of this strategy did help to deepen their understanding of what they read because they were able create various questions that kept them engaged with the text.
