"Recruitment and retention of Hispanic nursing students: through the le" by Debra Jean Handlos Devoe

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

Ed.D. Educational Leadership


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Jordan-Cox, Carmen

Committee Member 1

Coaxum, James

Committee Member 2

Lopez-Cardona, Hector


Associate Degree Nursing, Diversity, Hispanic Students


Hispanic American nurses--Education (Higher)


Higher Education | Nursing


The Hispanic population in the United States is changing and will constitute 30% of the population in 2050; however, the Hispanic registered nurse population is less than 3%. Cultural differences between patients and nurses may cause harm and a mistrust that can affect patient outcomes. A mixed methods convergent research study was done by an electronic survey, non-electronic surveys, telephone interviews, and focus groups to compare the perceptions of nursing program administrators at seven community colleges in a Mid-Atlantic state, in the United States, and the perceptions of 15 Hispanic nursing students regarding the challenges, barriers, and obstacles of Hispanic nursing students. Perceptions regarding recruitment and support services were surveyed. The results of the study identified the need for more effective recruitment and retention strategies to be conducted by nursing program administrators. The Hispanic nursing students felt that the majority of the faculty were supportive, but many challenges, barriers, and obstacles affect the students’ recruitment and retention in nursing school. Many suggestions of recruitment and retention strategies were shared by the Hispanic nursing students.
