"Will using the self-regulated development model improve math word prob" by Heather D'Antonio

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Degree Name

M.A. in Learning Disabilities


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Kuder, Jay


Learning disabled; Mathematics--Study and teaching


Disability and Equity in Education


The purpose of this research was to determine if the Self-Regulated Development Model would improve word problem solving skills for seventh grade students. The participants were 17 seventh graders, one student classified as Specific Learning Disabled and two other students were in the process of evaluations. The students were given four word problems to solve over the course of week before they learned the Self-Regulated Development Model. After students became familiar with the Strategy, they solved the word problems again, using the Self-regulated Development Model. Students usually respond to word problems by leaving it blank or writing "I don't know." When they solved the word problems using the Self-Regulated Development Model, they showed improvement with their responses. Most of the students attempted to solve the word problems instead of leaving them blank or writing "I don't know." Only one word problem was answered correctly, the rest the students attempted to answer. The research showed that using the Self-Regulated Development Model over time, will improve the students' performance on math word problems.
