"A longitudinal study of the enrollment patterns of fulltime, first-tim" by Ramsaran Ramoutar

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Higher Education Administration


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Sisco, Burton R.


College attendance--New Jersey; Community college students--New Jersey


Higher Education Administration


This study examined the enrollment patterns of first-time, full time recent high school graduates enrolled a community college. This longitudinal study focused on students who were enrolled at Cumberland County College in the fall of 2002 through the fall of 2008. Enrollment and transfer patterns and graduation rates were explored for the sample population of 209 students who came from all ethnic background. The databases of the Cumberland County College and the New Jersey Higher Education Clearing House were examined in order to retrieve the relevant information. The study revealed that although financial concerns impacted the educational outcomes, there was a weak correlation between enrollment/persistence patterns and receiving Pell grants. It was found that although students received Pell grants those who did not still graduated at a higher rate than those who did. Whites were found to have the highest enrollment/persistence and graduation patterns, while Blacks and Hispanics lagged way behind. The study also showed that a large number of non-graduates accumulated a substantial number of college credits (over 45) before deciding to drop out.
