"An evaluation of how elementary school teachers perceive library media" by Kathleen M. Farrington

Date Approved


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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in School and Public Librarianship


Special Educational Services/Instruction


College of Education


Shontz, Marilyn


Instructional materials personnel--New Jersey; School librarians--New Jersey


Library and Information Science


The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not teachers expected a higher level of responsibility from the library media specialist in schools that employed at least one full-time library media specialist (n=47). Additionally, it investigated whether or not those teachers had a more in-depth understanding or acceptance of the roles of the library media specialist. Specifically it addressed the following research questions: 1.) What roles and responsibilities of the library media specialist did classroom teachers deem important? 2.) Was there a difference in teacher understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the library media specialist between schools that did or did not have a full-time library media specialist? Data were collected through an email questionnaire that was sent to 267 elementary school teachers in Gloucester County, New Jersey and 67 responses were received. Survey results showed that the presence of a full-time library media specialist was not related to the respondents understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the library media specialist.
