"Student-athletes and involvement theory" by Thomas F. J. Iacovone

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Degree Name

M.A. in Higher Education Administration


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Sisco, Burton R.


College athletes--New Jersey; Education, Higher--Activity programs--New Jersey


Higher Education Administration


The purpose of the study was to better understand the level of involvement student athletes have at Rowan University. The researcher surveyed 99 student athletes at Rowan University during the 2006-2007 academic year. The subjects were administered a survey to measure their level of involvement, as well as their attitudes toward involvement at Rowan University. Surveys were statistically analyzed to determine frequency, percentages, means, standard deviations, and significant correlations between selected demographics and specific involvement activities.

The study provides insight on the relationship between student athletes' academic performance and their level of involvement, as well as insight on relationships between student athlete demographic variables and their level of involvement. The study also provides insight on the attitudes of student athletes' in regard to social involvement, academic involvement, and campus environment. Student athletes' at Rowan University did not feel very strongly about either the importance or satisfaction of social involvement, academic involvement, or campus environment. However, there were significant relationships between student athletes' academic performance and specific involvement activities. There were also significant relationships found between student athlete demographics and certain involvement activities. This study supports some of the research from the previous literature on involvement theory.
