"Public library services to senior patrons" by Paul J. Brunner

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in School and Public Librarianship


Special Educational Services/Instruction


College of Education


Shontz, Marilyn


Libraries and older people--New Jersey; Public libraries--New Jersey


Library and Information Science


The purpose of this research study was to determine the attitudes of senior patrons, those age 55 and older, about computer technology at the Cape May County Public Library. It was hoped that this information would provide insight into older adults' usage of OPACs, computers, and the Internet, suggesting areas for further research and leading to improved services to these patrons. Additionally, the following research questions were addressed: What computer resources do senior patrons use most frequently? For those senior patrons who do use the OPACs, computer, or the Internet, what is their level of competence or confidence with such technology? Fifty responses were collected over a three -week period. Results of the survey indicated that 86 percent of senior respondents had a positive attitude about computers in the library. Furthermore, senior patrons overwhelmingly knew how to use both computers and the Internet. However, a limited number of senior patrons were using the OPACs. Finally, senior patrons responded that their competence or confidence level was slightly above average in usage of computer technology.
