"Using reinforcement and self management in classrooms to increase moti" by Sherri Aitken

Date Approved


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Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. in Teaching


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Hespe, David


Classroom management; Motivation in education


Elementary Education and Teaching


The purposes of this study is to investigate the implementation of classroom management strategies in a Team Approach to Mastery (TAM) classroom which will include both regular and special education students. This research study will identify the most effective strategies in terms of ease of implementation, time, effort, generalization, reliance upon the system, and personal ratings. Small focus groups will also be conducted with the students in order to have a clearer view of student motivation and their likes or dislikes of the current system. A successful plan must be motivating and enjoyed by both students and teachers within the classroom. More than half of the participating students did not believe that self monitoring helped them in reaching their goal as many students thought that this task was rather difficult; however, all participants in the class indicated that they enjoyed working toward a group reward as it increased their motivation to work in the classroom as a community. Implications and recommendations for implementing classroom management strategies to motivate students are discussed.
