"The extent to which New Jersey public librarians promote early literac" by Kathleen M. Kelley

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in School and Public Librarianship


Special Educational Services/Instruction


College of Education


Shontz, Marilyn


Early childhood education--New Jersey; Public librarians--New Jersey


Library and Information Science


The purpose of this study was to determine, through the use of a questionnaire, the extent to which New Jersey public librarians were providing and promoting early literacy skills in their weekly preschool storytimes; the use by these librarians of the Every Child Ready to Read early literacy initiative, as well as the ways in which these librarians were accomplishing these tasks. This study also compared preschool storytimes offered by selected public librarians to Head Start programs and local nursery schools for children from birth to age five.

Responses to the questionnaire showed that all the participating public librarians used a variety of methods in their weekly preschool storytimes to promote the six pre-reading skills identified by the Every Child Ready to Read. However, only 16% of the respondents use the Every Child Ready to Read early literacy program for the purposes for which it was designed: training sessions for parents, caregivers, and outreach programs. Also 90 of the 107 respondents were not using the early literacy program in their libraries. A majority of the respondents also provided some outreach storytimes in their communities for children from birth to age five.
