"Test anxiety: effects on standardized testing, average classroom asses" by Elysia J. Ochs

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. in Teaching


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Robinson, Randall


Fourth grade (Education)--New Jersey; Test anxiety--New Jersey


Elementary Education and Teaching


The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of both standardized testing and average classroom assessments on the levels of test anxiety. The study was a correlation study. with a sample of 42 fourth grade students. The students came from four separate classrooms within the same elementary school. This study adapted Wren and Benson's (2004) Children's Test Anxiety Scale (CTAS). The subjects in this study were administered two identical questionnaires entitled, "How I Feel About Tests." The first CTAS was administered in the week following the New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Knowledge (NJ ASK). The second CTAS was administered one month later. Each subject's CTAS was studied individually and compared to the group. It was found that 88 percent of the subjects experienced higher levels of test anxiety during the first CTAS. This CTAS was utilized to determine the level of test anxiety students experience during standardized testing. Twelve percent of the subjects showed a heightened level of test anxiety during the second CTAS. The second CTAS was used to rate students' level of test anxiety during average classroom tests and quizzes.
