"Computer use and integration of elementary school teachers" by Samuel L. Smith

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Educational Technology


Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math Education


College of Education


Molinari, Louis


Computer-assisted instruction--New Jersey; Educational technology--New Jersey


Elementary Education and Teaching


The problem in this study asks: Could it be that teachers who have high frequency of computer use in the classroom have recognizable characteristics than teachers who have a low frequency of computer use in the classroom?

A data collection instrument was develop and distributed to 23 classroom teachers at H. B. Wilson Elementary School in Camden, New Jersey. The 47 questions on the survey assessed computer knowledge and uses in the classroom, and a score was given to each category. Some of recognizable characteristics of teachers who had high frequency of computer use in the classroom were the fact that they had more professional development hours, basic knowledge of computer hardware and software. The teachers' personal experience with computers and software programs were also characteristics that were noted in the results. The result from this survey was compared to the report from the U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics as mentioned in this paper.

Since the null hypothesis stated that there would be no significant difference in the characteristics of those teachers who have high frequency of computer use in the classroom than those who have low frequency, the null hypothesis was rejected.
