"Pre-K student and teacher access to and use of school library media pr" by Michelle Tullio

Date Approved


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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in School and Public Librarianship


Special Educational Services/Instruction


College of Education


Shontz, Marilyn


Early childhood education--New Jersey; School libraries--Activity programs--New Jersey


Library and Information Science


The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which public schools in Southern New Jersey offered library services to preschoolers as well as the characteristics of those programs. The population, which was nonrandom and purposive, consisted of twenty library media specialists in public elementary schools in Southern New Jersey. Of the twenty surveys mailed out, a total of thirteen were returned with a response rate of 65%. Data were tallied and analyzed for the following information: types of services offered to preschoolers, number of preschoolers serviced per week, rating of current collection for use by preschoolers and teachers, rating of current facility for use by preschoolers and teachers, sources used to build preschool collection, and types of training received for dealing with preschoolers. Approximately 55% of the media specialists did not have a formal library program implemented for preschoolers; however, they did assist preschool teachers if asked. A total of 15% of media specialists offered no library services to their preschool population. Findings of this study prompted the conclusion that a majority of public school districts who service preschoolers were not requiring library services as part of their curriculum.
