"An evaluation of the honor code at Cherry Hill High School East" by John Edward Burns

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Degree Name

M.A. in School Administration


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Capasso, Ronald


Cheating (Education)--New Jersey; High schools--New Jersey--Administration


Elementary and Middle and Secondary Education Administration


The purposes of this evaluation were to (a) ascertain the present status of the Honor Code at Cherry Hill High School East by conducting surveys and focus groups; and (b) make recommendations for improvement of the Code, after an analysis of the feedback. Students, staff, and parents were surveyed using an open-ended question survey technique. Focus groups of these same constituents allowed for a more in-depth analysis of perceptions, feelings, and ideas about the Code. Many of the original aspects of the Code had been lost over the past five years of its existence. Students felt that in its present form, the Honor Code was not meaningful to them, and that it was a waste of time to write down on each test/major assessment. They did, however, know what it was supposed to mean. Parents felt strongly that teachers need to be clearer with assignment directions to help students avoid issues of plagiarism. Teachers also felt that students did not take the Code seriously, and that their colleagues were not consistent in enforcement. Recommendations focused on ways to help teachers and students realize the importance of the Honor Code, while reminding all stakeholders of the consequences of violations.
