"What impact does an attendance incentive program have on student atten" by Marilyn Cosme

Date Approved


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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in School Administration


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Moyer, David H.


Elementary school administration--New Jersey; School attendance--New Jersey


Elementary and Middle and Secondary Education Administration


The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of an attendance incentive program on the attendance of students in a small, rural elementary school setting. The methodology of the study consisted of collecting attendance data from the previous school year. The data were then compared to the attendance data from the current school year. During the previous school year there was no attendance incentive program. During the present school year an attendance incentive program was created and promoted by the school. The study was conducted on the entire student population in a New Jersey elementary school that housed grades preschool through second. There were approximately 400 students in the school.

Except for one month during the study there was an increase in the rate of perfect attendance for every month when data were compared from the current school year to the previous school year. Notwithstanding all of the uncontrollable factors that can affect student attendance such as illness, death in the family or other emergencies, it was concluded that an attendance incentive program that provided interim rewards for perfect attendance on a monthly and quarterly basis had a positive effect on student attendance in school.
