Leveraging Your Identity In Medical School Applications and As A Medical Student


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8-2-2024 12:30 PM

End Date

8-2-2024 1:30 PM

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Many first-generation students are apprehensive about how they are perceived in the application process and during their training period as future physicians, and receive less guidance from their community. Historically, physicians have come from certain backgrounds, so students from other cultures are often concerned about fitting in. However, we would like to share how we have identified specific opportunities to contribute our perspectives as medical students and in academic and national leadership, and how this has proved useful for our careers, such as Anudeep's founding of a diversity, equity, and inclusion conference at the Stratford campus. We also hope to provide individualized guidance to attendees as to how they can pursue similar projects themselves.


Feb 8th, 12:30 PM Feb 8th, 1:30 PM

Leveraging Your Identity In Medical School Applications and As A Medical Student

Many first-generation students are apprehensive about how they are perceived in the application process and during their training period as future physicians, and receive less guidance from their community. Historically, physicians have come from certain backgrounds, so students from other cultures are often concerned about fitting in. However, we would like to share how we have identified specific opportunities to contribute our perspectives as medical students and in academic and national leadership, and how this has proved useful for our careers, such as Anudeep's founding of a diversity, equity, and inclusion conference at the Stratford campus. We also hope to provide individualized guidance to attendees as to how they can pursue similar projects themselves.