Rowan Digital Works - Rowan-Virtua Research Day: Understanding the State of LGBTQIA+ Healthcare and Support in Camden County


School of Osteopathic Medicine


Gender Identity, Transgender Persons, Sexual and Gender Minorities, Physicians, Healthcare Disparities, Delivery of Health Care

Date of Presentation

5-5-2022 12:00 AM

Poster Abstract

4.5% of American adults identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual and about 1.4 million adults identify as transgender.

This demographic is impacted by many social determinants of health and health disparities, particularly for transgender patients.

33% of LGBTQIA+ patients ranging from a pool of 28,000 surveyed patients have had a negative experience with their health providers, and 8% of them had to educate their physicians about their needs due to physicians’ lack of knowledge about this demographic.

Research suggests that there is a reluctance to access mental health services in the LGBTQIA+ community due to homophobia,, difficulties disclosing sexual and gender identity, and fears of being misunderstood.


Bioethics and Medical Ethics | Community Health | Health and Medical Administration | Medical Humanities | Medicine and Health Sciences | Patient Safety


May 5th, 12:00 AM

Understanding the State of LGBTQIA+ Healthcare and Support in Camden County

4.5% of American adults identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual and about 1.4 million adults identify as transgender.

This demographic is impacted by many social determinants of health and health disparities, particularly for transgender patients.

33% of LGBTQIA+ patients ranging from a pool of 28,000 surveyed patients have had a negative experience with their health providers, and 8% of them had to educate their physicians about their needs due to physicians’ lack of knowledge about this demographic.

Research suggests that there is a reluctance to access mental health services in the LGBTQIA+ community due to homophobia,, difficulties disclosing sexual and gender identity, and fears of being misunderstood.


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