Rowan Digital Works - Rowan-Virtua Research Day: Understanding Changes in Mortality with Implementation of Safe Injection Sites


School of Osteopathic Medicine


Drug Overdose, Needle-Exchange Programs, Investigative Techniques

Date of Presentation

5-5-2022 12:00 AM

Poster Abstract

The purpose of this study is to analyze mortality due to overdose in areas that have implemented supervised injection sites and understand what factors these facilities affect that can lead to a change in outcomes.


Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Health and Medical Administration | Health Services Research | Investigative Techniques | Medical Humanities | Medicine and Health Sciences | Substance Abuse and Addiction


May 5th, 12:00 AM

Understanding Changes in Mortality with Implementation of Safe Injection Sites

The purpose of this study is to analyze mortality due to overdose in areas that have implemented supervised injection sites and understand what factors these facilities affect that can lead to a change in outcomes.


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