Date of Presentation

4-23-2024 9:00 AM


College of Science & Mathematics

Faculty Sponsor(s)

Dr. Tony Breitzman

Poster Abstract

Job review websites like Glassdoor are not always clear on how well the company operates, especially as viewed from differing levels of employment. For instance, a middle or upper manager from Amazon may have an overall positive review of the company with minor issues about it, but someone who works in the warehouse may have a mixed experience. To solve this issue and determine any correlation between employee level and their review, data mining techniques were utilized such as website scraping and neural network training to develop a model that analyzes employee reviews.

Student Keywords

data mining, analyze job reviews


Computer Sciences

Document Type



Apr 23rd, 9:00 AM

Using data mining to analyze job reviews

Job review websites like Glassdoor are not always clear on how well the company operates, especially as viewed from differing levels of employment. For instance, a middle or upper manager from Amazon may have an overall positive review of the company with minor issues about it, but someone who works in the warehouse may have a mixed experience. To solve this issue and determine any correlation between employee level and their review, data mining techniques were utilized such as website scraping and neural network training to develop a model that analyzes employee reviews.