Date of Presentation

4-23-2024 9:00 AM


College of Science & Mathematics

Faculty Sponsor(s)

Dr. Qian He

Poster Abstract

College students can face unique mobility challenges and are an essential group of riders who rely on public transportation. For commuting students, public transportation or the campus shuttle can be one of the most relied-on ways to get to school. For on-campus students, access to public transportation can play an important role in their well-being and academic performance. This project conducts a comprehensive survey study to understand the access to transit service, mobility challenges, and impacts on student well-being and academic performance at Rowan University.

Student Keywords

Transit Access, Mobility Challenge, Rowan University Students



Document Type


Available for download on Friday, November 01, 2024

Included in

Geography Commons


Apr 23rd, 9:00 AM

Transit Access and Mobility Challenges Among Rowan University Students

College students can face unique mobility challenges and are an essential group of riders who rely on public transportation. For commuting students, public transportation or the campus shuttle can be one of the most relied-on ways to get to school. For on-campus students, access to public transportation can play an important role in their well-being and academic performance. This project conducts a comprehensive survey study to understand the access to transit service, mobility challenges, and impacts on student well-being and academic performance at Rowan University.