Date of Presentation

4-23-2024 1:00 PM


College of Science & Mathematics

Faculty Sponsor(s)

Dr. Hieu D. Nguyen

Poster Abstract

This project seeks to assist blueberry growers in New Jersey estimate crop yield by developing software that allows autonomous drones to capture aerial images of blueberry bushes in the field, perform berry count, and identify blueberry conditions using deep learning models & computer vision.

Student Keywords

Blueberry Drone Artificial Intelligence (AI), Crop Yield, Deep Learning, Smart Drones



Document Type


Included in

Mathematics Commons


Apr 23rd, 1:00 PM

Blueberry Drone AI: Estimating Crop Yield using Deep Learning & Smart Drones

This project seeks to assist blueberry growers in New Jersey estimate crop yield by developing software that allows autonomous drones to capture aerial images of blueberry bushes in the field, perform berry count, and identify blueberry conditions using deep learning models & computer vision.