Rowan Digital Works - Title IX Summit: Cyber Sexual Misconduct


Enterprise Center Room 509

Start Date

4-6-2019 9:45 AM

End Date

4-6-2019 11:00 AM

Document Type



Students are spending more time online than ever before and sexual misconduct now traverses both the physical and digital worlds. This workshop will review three mediums of cyber sexual misconduct; camming, sextortion, and revenge porn. We will review conceptual definitions, the digital tools used by college students, online vernacular, and Title IX implications including implications from coercion in cyber sexual misconduct. We will conclude by reviewing best practices for evidence collection in these complex cases. This topic is pressing as recent studies show that at least 33% of college aged students participate in sexting and that of those who receive sexts, 15% post the images on the internet or send them to people they have never met in person.


Jun 4th, 9:45 AM Jun 4th, 11:00 AM

Cyber Sexual Misconduct

Enterprise Center Room 509

Students are spending more time online than ever before and sexual misconduct now traverses both the physical and digital worlds. This workshop will review three mediums of cyber sexual misconduct; camming, sextortion, and revenge porn. We will review conceptual definitions, the digital tools used by college students, online vernacular, and Title IX implications including implications from coercion in cyber sexual misconduct. We will conclude by reviewing best practices for evidence collection in these complex cases. This topic is pressing as recent studies show that at least 33% of college aged students participate in sexting and that of those who receive sexts, 15% post the images on the internet or send them to people they have never met in person.