"A school library collection analysis focused on resources available fo" by Carol A. Moroz

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in School and Public Librarianship


Special Educational Services/Instruction


College of Education


Shontz, Marilyn


Fifth grade (Education); Libraries and students; Report writing


Library and Information Science


The purposes of this study were'to determine (a) the areas of study fifth grade students at Lakehurst Elementary School were asked to research, (b) whether the current library print collection was sufficient to meet the students' needs in terms of both quantity and quality, (c) the additional print resources which would be necessary to create a useful set of print resources, and (d) the cost of these additional print resources. Current print resources and resources considered for purchase were assigned a rating from zero to four on a Usefulness Rating Scale designed by the researcher, with a zero indicating a resource that would not be useful to the fifth grade research topics and a four indicating an extremely useful resource.

Based on an analysis of the sections of the Lakehurst Elementary School library relevant to the research projects assigned by the fifth grade teachers, the current collection was insufficient to support the five assigned projects. During the course of this research project, $2,872.66 was spent to purchase 146 new resources, and the usefulness rating of all Dewey Decimal areas reviewed was increased.
