"An exploratory investigation of charter schools and special education" by Kimberly Mulligan

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Learning Disabilities


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Urban, Stanley


Charter schools--New Jersey; Special education--New Jersey


Disability and Equity in Education


The purpose of this investigation was to determine how well charter schools are able to comply with the many laws in special education. All of the charter schools in both Atlantic and Camden counties were sent surveys that asked various questions about their programs in special education. The surveys addressed special education class size, proper teacher certification, different classifications, placement, and services offered. Each school was asked to answer the questions on the survey to the best of their knowledge about their school. The results of the surveys were then collected and charted in graph form in order to compare the six schools and the findings. The results were displayed in five separate graphs and one narrative. The first chart shows the population of each school and the percentage of special needs students attending the school. The second chart displays the amount of teachers working with the special needs students and how many are certified. The next chart shows the types of classifications in each school. The next chart displays the different placement options that each school offers. The last chart shows the different grade levels for the students in special education in that particular school. The charts show that each of the charter schools are working towards compliance with the laws of special education. The charter schools have established sound foundations with each of their programs, but they still need to implement more placement options, fully certified teachers, and more individualized services.
