"A study of small business public relations behavior to ascertain a nee" by William Pavlou Jr.

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Degree Name

M.A. in Public Relations


Public Relations & Advertising


Ric Edelman College of Communication & Creative Arts


Bagin, Donald


Public relations--Computer network resources; Small business--Public relations


Public Relations and Advertising


The purposes of this study were to (a) study the behavior of New Jersey small business owners and (b) use this information as primary research to ascertain a need for a do-it-yourself public relations Web site. A survey questionnaire was mailed to 75 New Jersey small business owners who were randomly selected from the New Jersey Directory of Small Businesses 2005 Directory. More than half of the New Jersey small business owners who were surveyed responded to this study.

The data collected in this study strongly supports the author's first hypothesis that small business owners believe public relations can contribute to the growth of a small business. The data also proved that the author's next hypothesis, that business owners are more likely to institute a public relations program if they can do it themselves, to be true. And finally the author hypothesized that the need exists among small businesses for a Web site pertaining to do-it-yourself public relations practices. The data proved this to be true as well.
