"A survey of certified athletic trainers' knowledge base, personal expe" by Christina Pozzi

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Degree Name

M.A. in Public Relations


Public Relations & Advertising


Ric Edelman College of Communication & Creative Arts


Bagin, Donald


Athletic trainers; Sports--Public relations


Public Relations and Advertising


This study's purpose was to determine athletic trainers' knowledge base, personal experiences and attitudes concerning public relations methods and their effectiveness in promoting the profession of athletic training.

One hundred fifteen athletic trainers completed a 14-question intercept survey. Results indicate that athletic trainers face difficulty promoting their profession without learning proper public relations techniques and which public relations methods are most effective reaching their target audiences.

Sixty-three percent of the respondents created a brochure/pamphlet; 17% distributed a newsletter and 68% have never written a news release. Most respondents (89%) are familiar with the term news release, while 69% have never heard of the Dollar Bill test when creating the layout and design of a publication.

The majority of athletic trainers ranked themselves as being "fair" at creating news releases, newsletters and public service announcements. Respondents ranked themselves most effective at preparing presentations.

Public service announcements were ranked highest (27%) as the most beneficial/effective public relations method to promote athletic training. However, they were also ranked as the least beneficial/effective public relations method by 30% of the respondents.

Implications for further research on the effectiveness of public relations methods used in the promotion of the athletic training profession are discussed.
