"Bullying in college and relation to self-esteem and parenting styles" by Steven Russell

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Degree Name

M.A. in Mental Health Counseling and Applied Psychology




College of Science & Mathematics


Chapell, Mark


Bullying in schools; Self-esteem--Social aspects; Universities and colleges--Social aspects




This study investigates bullying in college and the relationship of bullying and self-esteem in the victims of bullying, as well as the relationship of parenting styles to bullying behavior. The study utilized N = 85 undergraduate students from a midsize northeastern university. The participants were administered a demographic questionnaire, a bullying questionnaire, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and the Parental Authority Questionnaire. Frequency percentages were used to report incidence and types of bullying behavior. A correlation matrix was employed to ascertain the relationships between bullying and self-esteem, as well as between parenting style and bullying behavior, and a multiple regression analysis was used to further examine the relationship between parenting style and bullying behaviors. The results of the study showed that bullying in college by students and teachers is a fairly common occurrence. There were no gender differences found in frequency or type of bullying. Participants reported that the most common type of bullying by students and teachers was verbal bullying. Students also reported social exclusion and isolation as a type of bullying, but to a lesser extent. There were no reports of physical bullying by students or teachers. As expected, there was a significant negative correlation between frequency of bullying and self-esteem. As hypothesized, student bullying behavior was predicted significantly by mother's permissive style and father's authoritarian parental style.

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