"Transition services for students with severe disabilities" by Valerie A. Gardner

Date Approved


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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Special Education


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Kuder, S. Jay


Children with mental disabilities; People with mental disabilities--Rehabilitation


Special Education and Teaching


The purpose of this study was to examine transition services that schools provide students with severe disabilities and their parents prior and beyond the students' high school graduation. The researcher hypothesized that local educational agencies provide an adequate curriculum and instruction for transition from school to adult life, but once the students graduate, the funds and services diminish, therefore providing inadequate service to support transition planning. The research involved informal interviews and surveys with public and private schools and the parents of students with severe disabilities. A total of nine public and private schools, and four parents who had a young adult with severe disabilities were surveyed.

The results were analyzed by utilizing a statistical method of frequency counting. The results revealed that the majority of schools surveyed are providing adequate curriculum and instruction. The majority of parents reported that the schools taught their young adult the necessary life skills. Both survey results revealed that there needs to be an improvement in follow-up services.

Subsequently, the students' disability, when the students graduate, parental involvement, interagency collaboration, funding, and research affect transition services.
