"A correlation study of learning preferences and attitudes towards comp" by Laura C. Garofalo

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. in Teaching


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Robinson, Randall


Education--Data processing; Fourth grade (Education)


Elementary Education and Teaching


The purpose of this study was to determine if specific learning style preferences were related to fourth grade elementary students' attitudes towards computers in the classroom. Subjects were twenty-six students in a fourth grade class in an affluent suburban district. Subjects were given two self-report instruments to measure their learning style preferences and attitudes towards computers. The Learning Combination Inventory (LCI), developed by Dr. Christine Johnston of Rowan University, was used to determine learning style preferences. The Technology Attitude Assessment Survey (TAAS), developed for the University of the State of New York, measured attitudes towards computer usage in the classroom.

A Pearson r analysis of the correlation between scores for each learning style and scores on the computer attitude survey was performed. The results supported the null hypothesis and suggested there was no significant relationship between learning style and computer attitudes.

The study was limited by the characteristics of the sample. First, the convenience sample was small (n=26). Secondly, the sample was drawn from an affluent suburban school district that did not accurately reflect the larger target population of fourth grade students in United States public schools. Thirdly, the district promoted extensive computer use, so there was little computer anxiety.
