"Peer observation: a supplement to formal evaluation" by William K. Hanley

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Educational Leadership


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Johnson, Theodore


Peer review; Teachers--Rating of


Educational Leadership


The purpose of this study was to describe the benefits of peer observation as it affected the teaching staff of Woodbury Junior/Senior High School (New Jersey).

A survey was administered to a group of 13 teachers in the Woodbury Public Schools after they had experienced peer observation. The original sample included 28 teachers who had been selected by the intern in an attempt to guarantee diversity in age, experience, gender, and teaching discipline. Participation was voluntary and those who volunteered were permitted to select their partner and choose their role in the process. Twenty-four teachers wished to participate but almost half were disqualified because their schedule conflicted with their partner's schedule. All participants were free to decide whether they would observe or be observed. Once an observation was completed, each member of the pair filled out a brief questionnaire. The observer offered a reason for visiting that particular class. Both participants answered ten questions that were graded on a Likert scale. A mean score was used to interpret the data.

The data indicate that the respondents recognize, respect, and appreciate the skills and problem solving abilities of their teaching colleagues. The respondents would appreciate more opportunities where teachers can review their work with students and receive peer reinforcement and advice.
