"The effects of range of notes, gender, and songs with text or without " by Nancy J. Hanna

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Degree Name

M.A. in Subject Matter Teaching: Music


Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math Education


College of Education


Levinowitz, Lili


Singing--Instruction and study


Elementary Education and Teaching


There are four problems that address the effects of range of notes, gender, and songs with text or without text on the vocal accuracy of first, second and third grade students.

Thirty students each from grades one, two and three were recorded singing four songs in solo. Each student sang a song with a restricted range of notes with text and then on the neutral syllable "loo." Each student then sang a song with a wide range of notes with text and then on the neutral syllable "loo." The recordings of the students singing were then evaluated for accuracy of pitch and tonal quality by two judges.

The results of the study indicate that children sing songs with a limited range of notes more accurately and with a better tonal quality than they sing songs with a wider range of notes. Additionally, students sing songs with the original song text better than they sing songs with the neutral syllable "loo". Results also indicate that children in grade three sing better than children in grade one. For only one of the problems did the results indicate that children in grade three also sing better than children in grade two. Finally, the results indicate that girls sing more accurately and with a better tonal quality than boys.
