"Spelling: a comparison between a formal text-based program and an inte" by Kathleen Gamble

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Elementary School Teaching


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Molinari, Louis


English language--Orthography and spelling--Study and teaching (Primary); Third grade (Education)


Elementary Education and Teaching


This study was undertaken to determine if there was any discernible difference in students' spelling performance within classrooms employing the formal text-based methodology and classrooms employing an integrated approach.

The sample in this study was 49 third grade, heterogeneously grouped students from a suburban area school in New Jersey. There were two classrooms involved with all students in each classroom participating in the study.

Third grade students in the study were administered a pretest and posttest in word recognition and vocabulary. A comparison of the mean test scores in the areas of word recognition and vocabulary for each group within the study was undertaken to help assess the comparison of the two teaching methods.

The hypothesis stated there would be no significant difference in the spelling achievement levels of students who experienced a formal text based program and those who received an integrated spelling approach. Although significant differences were not confirmed in all cases, definite trends were identified. Suggestions for future study were made.
