Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Learning Disabilities


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Urban, Stanley


Mainstreaming in education; Special education


Disability and Equity in Education


The general purpose of the study was to determine if prereferral interventions, through a PAC team, were effective in adding to the ability of a school to respond to a broad range of students' academic and behavioral needs. The population of this study consisted of 31 students. These fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students were referred to their elementary school's PAC team for behavioral and academic needs. PAC records were analyzed for information including the problems and reasons for referral, the goals of the teachers, suggested interventions, the results of each meeting, and the success of the interventions. Both a teacher and a student questionnaire were developed to ascertain the teachers' and students' attitudes towards the PAC's interventions and success. The average child study team referral rates from the state and the district were compared to the rates at Haines School. Results indicated that the referral rates and newly classified rates at the elementary school for the year, as of April 1995, were lower than last year's state and district averages. Results also indicated that teachers and students using the PAC services had positive attitudes towards the prereferral interventions and the PAC team's success.
