"Effects of simultaneously integrating SEL and Culturally Responsive Pe" by Daniele J. Jacob

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. Reading Education


Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Education


College of Education


Valarie Lee, Ed.D.

Committee Member 1

Susan Browne, Ed.D.

Committee Member 2

Marjorie Madden, Ph.D.


Social and Emotional Learning, SEL, Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, CRP


Gifted children--Education; Emotional intelligence


Curriculum and Social Inquiry | Language and Literacy Education


The purpose of this qualitative research study was to understand what happens to students' perceptions about themselves and their abilities when social and emotional learning (SEL) and culturally responsive pedagogy (CRP) are simultaneously integrated into an elementary gifted and talented classroom setting. Prior to this research, a structured approach to addressing students' social and emotional learning needs did not exist. Additionally, culturally responsive practices were not being used purposefully or with intent. This left the researcher to wonder how the lack of these practices may be negatively impacting students. How SEL and CRP can positively affect students' perceptions about themselves and their abilities guided this qualitive research study. A teacher's research journal, audio/video recordings, student surveys, and student response journals were used to collect and analyze data from each class session over the course of fourteen weeks. The data was analyzed through inductive coding and thematic narrative analysis to determine themes that emerged from the study. Triangulation of all data sources was used to establish validity. Based on the data analysis, it was determined that the use of social and emotional learning and culturally responsive pedagogy can have positive effects on students' perception about themselves and their abilities.
