Date Approved


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Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Raquel Wright-Mair, Ph.D. & Shelley Zion, Ph.D.

Committee Member 1

Monika Williams Shealey, Ph.D.


African American women faculty, Afro-Caribbean women faculty, Black Diaspora in U.S., Black women in the Academy, Caribbean American women faculty, Interethnic/Intraracial Relationships


Women educators; Women, Black


Educational Leadership | Higher Education


This study focuses on Black diasporic women faculty’s framings of themselves and their experiences and roles in the U.S. academy, as well as the dynamics among Afro-Caribbean women faculty, Black Caribbean American women faculty, and African American women faculty, bringing to light the ways in which whiteness has sub/un/consciously mediated their relationships. Using Intersectionality as a framework and Critical Narrative Inquiry (i.e., blurring biographical and arts-informed narrative inquiry) as a methodological approach, 14 found poems, highlighting various resonant portions of collaborators’ stories, were included as findings. Seven perceptions that Black diasporic women faculty hold of each other were also identified: a) perceived as similar and bonded, b) perceived as allies, c) perceived as under immense pressure, d) perceived as wounded by racism, e) perceived as appropriately cautious, f) perceived as wise, and g) perceived as “willing to dance”. Additionally, three natures of whiteness, namely its devious, systemic, and selective natures, lurking in the academy and shaping the dynamics among Black diasporic women faculty, were unveiled. The manuscript concludes with implications for Black diasporic women faculty, praxes, and research.

Available for download on Thursday, June 26, 2025
