Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


Educational Leadership, Administration, and Research


College of Education


Ane Johnson, Ph.D.

Committee Member 1

Hajime Mitani, Ph.D.

Committee Member 2

Carmello Callueng, Ph.D.


CASEL; Middle Eastern Students; Social Emotional Learning


Culturally relevant pedagogy; Muslim students


Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Education | Education Policy | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Culturally responsive practices are imperative in American classrooms due to the increasing diversity of the student population. These practices prioritize contextualizing materials, building relationships with students, and leveraging students’ cultural experiences and capital to improve their overall experience in the educational process. However, there is little understanding of the intersection between culturally responsive practices and social-emotional learning frameworks, particularly in contexts beyond the traditional public school environment. This qualitative study employs grounded theory to explore how Islamic school teachers adapt the social-emotional learning curricula to accommodate better Middle Eastern American (MMEA) students' cultural values. Focus groups were conducted to augment the interview data, leveraging graphic elicitation techniques to triangulate and strengthen findings. The research indicates that an integrative approach enhances student engagement and profoundly resonates with the cultural and religious backgrounds of MMEA students. The study underscores the significance of culturally responsive SEL programs in nurturing individual and communal identity among students from diverse backgrounds. Based on these insights, we offer targeted recommendations for SEL curricular adaptations to foster inclusivity and build intercultural competence within diverse educational settings.

Available for download on Thursday, September 17, 2026
