Current theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs are submitted electronically to Rowan University's Office of Graduate Research Services and are usually available in this institutional repository within a few weeks of submission. Theses and dissertations submitted between 2010 and 2015 have been migrated from the library’s previous digital archives and are available here.
As of 9/29/16, theses and dissertations produced between 1996 and 2010 have been scanned and uploaded. If you are the author of a Rowan University (or Glassboro State College) thesis or dissertation produced before 2010, and you do not want your document to be publicly available in Rowan Digital Works, you must complete and submit this form to request its removal from the repository.
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
A study of the integration of language arts in an elementary music curriculum, Kimberly Ann Kell
A study of students' attitude toward school climate as compared within a conflict resolution group and a traditional group, Dawn D. Kelly-Pearson
A survey of the state of teacher effectiveness in four South Jersey high schools, Maryanne A. Knudsen
The effects of journal writing on academic achievement in high school Integrated Mathematics I, Jane LaMarra
A comparative study of social competence and antisocial behavior between regular education and learning disabled children, Kathleen A. Lewis
Correlational study of self-concept, social self-perception, academic self-concept and behavior problems among elementary school children, Malthi Lingaraju
A comparison of the rates of progress between low achieving and high achieving fourth grade children using a whole language reading program, M. Ayako Loder
A study of television violence and its effects on elementary school children's social interactions, Shari Lonker
A correlational study of teachers' attitudes towards the computer and the use of computer-assisted instruction in the classroom, Lynn Karen Lore
Transition services and their effectiveness, John E. McCarty
A comparative analysis of the compliance rates and service delivery rates in early intervention programs, Barbara McClintock
Recommendations for a policy regarding online searching at the Cape May County Library, Linda L. Melroy
An enrichment unit on local water resources and water conservation to supplement eighth grade earth science curriculum, Michele Junod Memis
Student ethnicity and teacher expectations, Daisy Mercado
A retrospective study of preschool handicapped children, Tracey Lynn Miller
General educators and their needs for inclusion classrooms, Lisa B. Minkin
Does mainstreaming positively influence academic achievement and self-concept at the elementary level?, Tracy L. Morse
A study of general education teachers' perceptions of their ability to provide effective instruction in an inclusive model, Judith A. Myers
A study to determine the effects of word recognition scores on total grade level scores for adolescents with reading disabilities, Wesley L. Myers Jr.
Increasing the involvement of parents of special needs children by establishing a parent resource center, Anne S. O'Donald
A study comparing two methods of teaching inequalities and polynomials to college prep Algebra 1 students, Kimberly Ann O'Rourke
Effects of journal writing on mathematics anxiety, Kevin J. Pelton
Family preservation services: aftercare services that help families maintain success, Mary S. Perez
The construction of effective cooperative learning groups for successful high school biology instruction, Diana I. Probasco
A study examining social skills ratings in a special education classroom, George J. Rafferty
The relationship between self-esteem and romanticism among parenting and nonparenting adolescents, Francine D. Ramsey
The interdisciplinary approach to learning: theory, design, and implementation, Kathleen E. Ratz
Teacher expectations of bilingual education students in mainstream classes, Diana C. Rodriguez
Is access synonymous with use?: evaluation of access and use of technology in Salem County high schools, Romine B. Rosenberger
Can the use of self-management techniques be effective in reducing the off-task behaviors of multiply handicapped students?, Lori M. Rosenthal
The development of a mini course on fractal geometry for the community college mathematics student, Kananathan Satchithananthan
Classroom management skills and teacher locus of control, Sandy Sheard
Reading interests of fifth and sixth grade boys, Judith E. Sheridan
A comprehensive description and critical analysis of portfolio assessment, Cindy J. Simione
Enhancement of coastal dredge disposal sites to create habitat for endangered, threatened, and protected species, Mary Beth Simpson
A study to compare the effectiveness of a response cost approach and a traditional approach to behavior modification with an ADD child, Maureen T. Smith
The Head Start Program and subsequent reading and math achievement of first graders, Marisa B. Snyder
A study to increase educational interaction between the adult/child within the Treehouse at the Philadelphia Zoo, Jennifer L. Studley
A study of the effectiveness of a pupil assistance committee's interventions in a secondary high school in New Jersey, John P. Taima
Secondary teachers' attitudes toward increased mainstreaming: use of effective instruction for students with learning disabilities, Nancy Tartaglione
Support services and accommodations provided for college students with learning disabilities, Mary C. Tortorici
Effects of active or passive error correction procedures on the learning, generalization and maintenance of math facts by students with multiple handicaps, Barbara J. Trzaska
A study in the effectiveness of a developmental kindergarten in promoting academic achievement in pupils identified as developmentally not ready for school, Lynn A. Wildrick
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Effects of group-assisted listening-while-reading and repeated reading on the fluency of fifth grade students, Deanne M. Alspach
A study of the effect of a computer writing program on the writing ability of elementary school students, Barbara A. Autuore
Improving reading fluency in elementary school students with assisted reading techniques, Leonard E. Barker
Relationship of perceived autonomy and grade point average, Nancy J. Benninger
Comorbidity of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and educational classification among in-patient populations of children and adolescents, Holly Berezow-Ricker
Computer science curriculum in the community college: an evaluative study, Rosemary R. Boiano
A study of the effects of teachers' mathematics anxiety and mathematics teaching confidence level on their attitudes toward manipulative use, Jacqueline L. Brown
A study of the effects of using the word processor and telecommunications in the writing process for elementary students, Andrea J. Carroll
A study of characteristics in learning disabled dropouts who have returned to adult education programs, Deborah A. Ciapanna
A comparative study of pull-out resource room instruction to in-class resource room instruction, Robin Comerford
Gender differences in bipolar disorder: a descriptive study, Cynthia Comparato
Achievement and social status in the cooperative classroom, Natalie Ann Cooper
The relationship between parental involvement and the reading achievement of third grade students, Scott M. Dailey
Profile of adolescent depression, Mary E. DelCorio
Intrinsic motivation in students: a comparison of students with learning problems and their non-handicapped peers, Karen D'Orazio
Journal writing for college students in a developmental mathematics class, Mary Anne Dorofee
What is the prevalence and effectiveness of teacher versus student managed approaches of classroom management, Marshall Paul Edmonds
The development of a unit on fractal geometry appropriate for the high school student, Ira A. Fine
Ability achievement discrepancies: diagnosis and future implications, Natalie Fischer
The effectiveness of prereferral interventions through pupil assistance committees on academic and behavioral needs of students, Barbara G. Fletcher
Spelling: a comparison between a formal text-based program and an integrated approach, Kathleen Gamble
An investigation of the relationships between degree of brain dominance and student preference for spatial dimensionality in the production of art at the high school level, Darlene Ann Gates
An investigation of the effectiveness of behavioral strategies applied to students in inclusive education settings, Theresa Thum Gerber
De-institutionalized skills: utilized or useless, Linda Golden
The effect of brushing on a tactilely defensive child, Christine Graham
A comparative study of Black and Euro-Americans' learning styles and aesthetic preferences for painting styles, Jane E. Graziano
Self-recording of attention and its effects on achievement, Harvey N. Gross
Kindergarten curriculum, Kelly-Ann Grossman
A study to determine the effectiveness of various factors in the reduction of mathematics anxiety, Mindy S. Hutter
A study of the relationship between special education emotional support behaviorally disordered students and their moral reasoning, Frank G. Iacobucci
Personality differences between men and women, Lori K. Ingoldsby
Generalization of organizational skills from one setting to another, Kristine J. Jansen
The effects of inclusion of moderately handicapped students, Leslie B. Kahn
A course in mathematics appreciation, Daniel J. Kraft
The database management course at Camden County College and the effect on the technological needs of industry, Jennifer R. Lupo
The impact of an in-class support program on regular and special education teachers, Cheryl A. Marino
Effect of parenting style and supervision on adolescent risky behavior and academic achievement, David L. McCullough
Walking lightly on the planet: a curriculum enrichment for the Pinelands Science Unit of the Cherry Hill Environmental Education Residency Program on Pinelands ecology, Elaine Ruth Miller
Correlational study on reading readiness and reading achievement test scores, Josephine A. Morales
The effectiveness of using portfolio assessment to improve instructional planning and to determine attitudes toward mathematics of sixth grade students, Heather A. Moran
Academic achievement and divorce, Christine M. Neilio
Effect of computer assisted instruction on written expressive language of mildly mentally retarded students, Vicki R. Newman
Gender differences in computing: attitudes, use, and stereotypes, Mary S. O'Sullivan
A study of the relationship between teacher stress and pupil control ideology, Genevieve Nichole Pacitti
Cognitive apprenticeship: authentic problem-solving experiences challenges traditional isolated learning outcomes, Nancy R. Peterson
Factors relating to successful placement in a minimal supervision program for mentally retarded adults, Scott Rahl
Remedial post-secondary education and subsequent college-level performance: a comparative study, Kelly Rapatski
The effects of a career awareness program on the recidivism rate of an inmate population, Bernardine Rochelle
Does learning style instruction have a positive effect on academic achievement in the first grade?, Nancy D. RosenBerg and Pamela M. Hernandez
Gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth at risk for low self-esteem and depression, Lynne M. Rossi
A study of the effects of a social problem solving intervention with emotionally disturbed youth at a special services school, Wendy E. Sack
Review of a partial care program for severely emotionally disturbed youth, Christina Schoener
The effect of a self-monitoring program on perceptually impaired students' compliance to class rules, Michael A. Scully