Current theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs are submitted electronically to Rowan University's Office of Graduate Research Services and are usually available in this institutional repository within a few weeks of submission. Theses and dissertations submitted between 2010 and 2015 have been migrated from the library’s previous digital archives and are available here.
As of 9/29/16, theses and dissertations produced between 1996 and 2010 have been scanned and uploaded. If you are the author of a Rowan University (or Glassboro State College) thesis or dissertation produced before 2010, and you do not want your document to be publicly available in Rowan Digital Works, you must complete and submit this form to request its removal from the repository.
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth at risk for low self-esteem and depression, Lynne M. Rossi
A study of the effects of a social problem solving intervention with emotionally disturbed youth at a special services school, Wendy E. Sack
Review of a partial care program for severely emotionally disturbed youth, Christina Schoener
The effect of a self-monitoring program on perceptually impaired students' compliance to class rules, Michael A. Scully
A study to determine the effects of the use of sign language with mildly mentally retarded students on social interaction and communication, Catherine Serafinelli
The effect of "Project Adventure" on self-esteem of learning disabled students, Nava Shaked
A study to determine the effects that concrete manipulatives have on mathematics anxiety and achievement, Nicholas R. Brian Simione
The effect of a drug use prevention curriculum on a measure of self-esteem, Irven E. Simpkins Jr.
General case principle applied to microwave cooking: can severely handicapped students generalize the skills they learn in the classroom, Victoria Elizabeth Smith
A study of the effect of desktop publishing in writing instruction versus traditional pencil and paper on the length and detail of students' compositions, Christine Sonsini
Specific strategy instruction to enhance revising and editing skills for the learning disabled, Barbara J. Stubbs
Attitudes of fourth and fifth grade students toward gender and careers, Valerie B. Sweeten
A survey of the attitudes of elementary school teachers in southern New Jersey towards art and the creative process in their classrooms, Elizabeth Diane Tasker
A study on the positive effect of cooperative learning on the status group problems in the classroom, Eugene D. Tecce
The effects of nursing home placement on the stress levels of caregivers, Ellen E. Thomson
A study examining the effectiveness of teaching reading using a literature-based approach vs. a basal approach, Tammy L. Vance
The examination of academic achievement and self-concept between early and late entrants of first grade pupils, Terri J. Wells
Comparison of developmentally oriented kindergartens and academically oriented kindergartens, Lori Ann Weyer
The efficacy of an alternative school, Celeste Wilden
Sensory stimulation during the prewriting stages of creative writing, Randy G. Yarwasky
Frequency of female contacts made by different sex teachers during mathematics class, Sheila M. Zackavich