Theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs on the Glassboro campus have been deposited in Rowan Digital Works since 2015 and are usually available here within a few weeks of submission to the Office of Graduate Research. Theses and dissertations submitted between 2010 and 2015 to Glassboro campus programs were migrated from Campbell Library’s previous digital repository and are available here. Theses and dissertations produced between 1996 and 2010 have been scanned and uploaded as well. Theses produced prior to 1996 are available on the first floor of Campbell Library.

Digitized theses from the former Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS) on the Stratford campus are also included in this collection. In September 2023, the programs of this school were incorporated into the Rowan-Virtua School of Translational Biomedical Engineering & Sciences Theses and Dissertations.

If you are the author of a thesis or dissertation produced for Rowan University or Glassboro State College before 2010, or the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences before September 2023, and you do not want your document to be publicly available in Rowan Digital Works, you must complete and submit this form to request its removal from the repository.


Theses/Dissertations from 1997


Performance-based curriculum and sight-singing: the effects on attitudes and singing achievements of fifth- and sixth-grade music students, Pamela J. Barnes


Utilizing creative movement to enrich the growth and development of preschool handicapped children, Sandra R. Barnett


A study of the effectiveness of a whole language instructional approach in stimulating emergent literacy development among at-risk kindergarten students, Eileen C. Baxter


Creating effective employee newsletters, Linda M. Blair


The effects of social and tangible reinforcement on vocabulary acquisition in whole language, Carolyn M. Brida


The effect of participation in an instrumental music program on students with serious emotional disturbance, William R. Brody


Annotated bibliography of Asian literature, Lisa Brownback


A comparison of multiage education and graded education in the areas of academics, social skills and attitudes of participants, Cheryl L. Buff


The effect of an active parental program on the musical achievement and musical affectiveness of elementary instrumental music students, Mary Frances Bushong


Differences in reading achievement between Title I students and students not receiving Title I services, Melissa Calcagni


A case study of the restoration of college athletic programs and academic image, Edward P. Callinan


Pre-referral intervention and follow-up: an analysis of the Pupil Assistance Committee (PAC), Jocelyn Camba


A criterion related validity study of Chapman's Elements in Art Test, Susan E. Chapman


A survey of selected southern New Jersey school districts to determine effects on special education of policy changes proposed in August 1996, Heidi Roman Chausse


Accelerated Reader: a study of the effects on reading comprehension and attitudes in the fifth grade, Christine Welk Clegg


Interdisciplinary public relations: a curriculum for undergraduate study at Oakwood College, Patrice Thomas Conwell


Homework behavior interventions used with learning disabled junior high school students: a comparative study, Naomi M. Cressman


Seashore tourism brochures and advertising: characteristics of effectiveness, Andrew Cripps


A measure of the effectiveness of a service improvement video used in the fiscal year 1997 communications plan for the Allegheny Area of the USPS, Raymond V. Daiutolo


A preliminary study of New Jersey's charter schools, Carol Sowney Datz


Instructional lessons for online circulation through the use of a local area network in the school library media center, Michael Shea Dennison


A study to determine the effects of NILD educational therapy on standardized test results and classroom performance, Deborah A. Dower


Promoting student interest in the whole language reading program for grades 4-6 in Somers Point, NJ, including an annotated bibliography, Diane M. Drayer


The use of behavioral intervention techniques in aiding autistic children in the classroom, James H. Dundee Jr.


Guide to web site promotion: how companies can draw more qualified traffic to their World Wide Web sites, Donald L. Dunnington