Theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs on the Glassboro campus have been deposited in Rowan Digital Works since 2015 and are usually available here within a few weeks of submission to the Office of Graduate Research. Theses and dissertations submitted between 2010 and 2015 to Glassboro campus programs were migrated from Campbell Library’s previous digital repository and are available here. Theses and dissertations produced between 1996 and 2010 have been scanned and uploaded as well. Theses produced prior to 1996 are available on the first floor of Campbell Library.

Digitized theses from the former Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS) on the Stratford campus are also included in this collection. In September 2023, the programs of this school were incorporated into the Rowan-Virtua School of Translational Biomedical Engineering & Sciences Theses and Dissertations.

If you are the author of a thesis or dissertation produced for Rowan University or Glassboro State College before 2010, or the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences before September 2023, and you do not want your document to be publicly available in Rowan Digital Works, you must complete and submit this form to request its removal from the repository.


Theses/Dissertations from 1997


Making the transition: fixed to flexible scheduling in elementary school media centers, Karen L. Enggren and Mary P. Henderson


Self-concept in gifted children: a developmental and comparative study, Sherri L. Evangelista


The effect of a word processing program on secondary students with mild learning disabilities in essay composition as compared with essays produced using paper and pencil, Donna J. Ewing


Comparison of academic success between students who live in single parent households and students who live in two-parent households, Susan A. Ficco


A survey of the 1997 Whitesbog Preservation Trust membership to determine motivational factors that successfully encouraged members to join or renew membership in Whitesbog Preservation Trust, Patricia L. Frasier


African American children's literature: past and present, Annie L. Freeman


A study of selected Hebrew high schools in Cherry Hill, New Jersey to determine how they confront the problem of assimilation in the American Jewish community, Linda Friedman


The enhancement of verbalization skills of teenagers with moderate mental retardation through augmentative communication intervention, Marydee Gaidis


A study of the perceptions of both parents and teachers on whether pharmacological interventions along with behavior modification work in controlling behavior in students with ADD, Carol L. Gallucci


A survey of attitudes toward the proposed New Jersey Special Education Administrative Code revisions, Michael W. Gasky


Teaching strategies and methodologies utilized in inclusion education classrooms, Christine Gentile


A study of the viability of African American adoption recruitment videotapes as a promotional tool for the One Church, One Child of Pennsylvania, Incorporated recruitment campaign, Renee B. Gettys


An annotated bibliography for the Jewish Holocaust Curriculum for Aura School, Elk Township, N.J., Eileen May Goodman


A historical study of payola: advertising and public relations or bribery, Christina Guadagno


Effectiveness of conflict resolution programs in the schools: a study of students’ coping skills before and after participation in a conflict resolution/peer mediation program, Tammy Hobbs


Information technology inservice workshops for the teachers of the Cooper B. Hatch Middle School, Camden, New Jersey, Frank J. Indriso


Company logos' contribution to corporate image, Jeanette L. Iversen


Hydrocatalysis: a new energy paradigm for the 21st century, Peter Mark Jansson


The relationship between career maturity and locus of control in college students, Maryann Kimchick


A comparison of two pre-referral intervention committees, Tammy L. Kouser


An evaluation of the efficacy of a social skills training program with young multiply handicapped students, Michele L. Kratz


A study to integrate the history of mathematics into the geometry curriculum, Karen M. Laszecki


The impact of interscholastic activity program participation on self-concept, Melanie L. Lawrence


How does phonemic awareness affect reading ability with at-risk students on the primary level, Denise D. Layne


A comparison of burnout levels between special educators and regular educators, Andrea Liddle