Theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs on the Glassboro campus have been deposited in Rowan Digital Works since 2015 and are made available here within a few weeks of submission to the Office of Graduate Research. Digitized theses from the former Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS) on the Stratford campus are also included in this collection. In September 2023, the programs of this school were incorporated into the Rowan-Virtua School of Translational Biomedical Engineering & Sciences.
All theses and dissertations approved by the university since 2015 must be permanently archived online in Rowan Digital Works, since the print copies are no longer stored in the library. Theses and dissertations cannot be withdrawn from RDW by author request; only a university official can request withdrawal for an academic integrity violation.
Note for Rowan graduates prior to 2015: Theses and dissertations submitted between 2010 and 2015 to Glassboro campus programs were migrated from Campbell Library’s previous digital repository and are available here. Theses and dissertations produced between 1996 and 2010 have been scanned and uploaded as well. Theses produced prior to 1996 are available on the first floor of Campbell Library. If you are the author of a thesis or dissertation produced for Rowan University or Glassboro State College before 2010, or the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences before September 2023, and you do not want your document to be publicly available in Rowan Digital Works, you must complete and submit this form to request its removal from the repository.
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
The validity of the Beck Depression Inventory-7 in the crisis center setting, Ross Feld
Teachers' attitudes toward the inclusion of young children with special needs into regular early childhood classes, Marilyn I. Forbes
Written guidance document for municipalities for storm water permitting in Gloucester County, Krista Lee Fritz
Teaching listening skills to pre-referral students to decrease full child study team referrals, Karen E. Garnett
An evaluation of the effectiveness of the Reading Recovery program compared to a traditional BSI program, Karen K. Garrison
An investigation of the association between the musical aptitude of elementary students and the musical aptitude of their biological parents, Susan Guerrini
Does mainstreaming positively influence academic achievement and self-concept at the elementary level?, Priscilla Hanzok
Enrichment course in environmental education for studying coastal wetlands ecology through the visual arts, Cynthia Lynn Hasbrouck
The effectiveness of a social skills program, Sharon D. Hetzell
The development and evaluation of a basic skills mathematics curriculum for adult learners, Shirley Hofer and Annette M. Schenkel
The effects of Positive Action and the Sexual Abuse Prevention program on sexually abused students' behavior, social skills, and self-esteem, Paul W. Houser
The effect of graphing calculator use in Algebra One, Anne Lawrence Hudock
CD-ROM technology: how it is utilized in K-12 school library media centers, Amy Jo Hufana
A two year study of children enrolled in a transitional first grade program, Sharleen Selfridge Johnson
A study of the attitudes of nondisabled students toward their severely disabled peers before and after inclusive intervention, Regina Jane Johns
Modern storytelling: the power of myth revisited, Laura J. Kaighn
A study of the integration of language arts in an elementary music curriculum, Kimberly Ann Kell
A study of students' attitude toward school climate as compared within a conflict resolution group and a traditional group, Dawn D. Kelly-Pearson
A survey of the state of teacher effectiveness in four South Jersey high schools, Maryanne A. Knudsen
The effects of journal writing on academic achievement in high school Integrated Mathematics I, Jane LaMarra
A comparative study of social competence and antisocial behavior between regular education and learning disabled children, Kathleen A. Lewis
Correlational study of self-concept, social self-perception, academic self-concept and behavior problems among elementary school children, Malthi Lingaraju
A comparison of the rates of progress between low achieving and high achieving fourth grade children using a whole language reading program, M. Ayako Loder
A study of television violence and its effects on elementary school children's social interactions, Shari Lonker
A correlational study of teachers' attitudes towards the computer and the use of computer-assisted instruction in the classroom, Lynn Karen Lore