Current theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs are submitted electronically to Rowan University's Office of Graduate Research Services and are usually available in this institutional repository within a few weeks of submission. Theses and dissertations submitted between 2010 and 2015 have been migrated from the library’s previous digital archives and are available here.
As of 9/29/16, theses and dissertations produced between 1996 and 2010 have been scanned and uploaded. If you are the author of a Rowan University (or Glassboro State College) thesis or dissertation produced before 2010, and you do not want your document to be publicly available in Rowan Digital Works, you must complete and submit this form to request its removal from the repository.
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Intervention and Referral Services: student and teacher support team or roadblock to special education?, Joshua Brown
The transformation of Baccalaureate Nursing curriculum: a multicultural approach to optimize clinical competence, Sharon Burke
The effects of implementing heterogeneous writing groups in a fifth grade classroom, Jennifer Cady
The effects of using instructional games in the elementary classroom, Jennifer Campagnola
The effect of choice on the behavior of off task high school students in an alternative school setting, Laura Campbell
Activism or apathy? Selected student attitudes towards the role of civic engagement at Rowan University, Sarai Campbell
Building instructional leadership capacity of school leaders through technology integration, Joy Carey
Supporting students with Asperger Syndrome in higher education, Julie Ciocco
Utilizing music and movement as a means of transition, Lisa Cioffi
Examining a differentiated science unit through a listening stance, Daniel Cohen
Service learning and student leadership through environmentally immersive writing, Seth Cohen
"I Wish I Looked Like Her:" the endless pursuit for the ideal body, Ebony Cox
An investigation on whether creating a culture of respect can reduce disruptive behaviors by influencing the social skills development of four year old children in an urban setting, Ruth Cummings-Hypolite
Changing times: engaging faculty in online education, Steven Farney
Using a peer buddy system to increase interaction between students with special needs and their peers, Kristi Foster
Utilizing teacher's perceptions of professional development to inform district level programming, Gina Friedman
How can the use of the morning meeting foster a sense of community in the fifth grade classroom?, Lindsey Giannantonio
Using literature to educate students about bullying, Rebecca Goldberg
Measuring the impact of a mentoring program: preparing African American males for success beyond high school, Cornell Gray
Academic and athletic motivation: predictors of academic performance of college student-athletes at a Division III university, Kathleen Grillo
Using multicultural literature in the classroom to encourage tolerance and respect, Laurel Hartmann
Using dialogue journals to foster a student-teacher relationship in the elementary classroom, Jamie Horton
The impact of a reading intervention program on students with reading difficulties, Susanne Jones
Online courses at a community college: a study of student characteristics, Nancy Kegelman
Involvement patterns of high achieving first-generation collegians, Georgia Kouzoukas
Classroom management: a study in leadership, theory, and implementation, Brian Latwis
The effect of postpartum depression on child cognitive development, Joshua Lees
Individual case study: verbalizing emotions to reduce aggressive outbursts in an autistic adult, Samantha Levine
The impact of an after school mathematics program on the educational outcomes of Title I middle school students, Kenneth Londregan
Fostering teacher leadership: transforming learning and leading to enhance school culture, Jennifer Luff
Through the lens of a college success seminar: developing workshops for EOF students, Yesenia Madas
Good to great: a framework for improving instruction In a ninth grade academy, Donna Marable
Cogent leadership: transitioning to professional learning communities, Donna Markiewicz
Reflective leadership: effects of peer mentoring on minority students within an urban school setting, Sean McCarron
School leadership: development of an evaluation instrument and process for administrators, Kathy L. McCormick
An exploratory assessment of a graduate early childhood special education dual certification program, Claudia Mejia
Wait time in the classroom, Logan Melder
Video modeling to enhance the conversation skills of preschool children who are at-risk for school failure, Lorie Mick
Educating newly diagnosed cancer patients who are undergoing radiation therapy, Michael Mimms
A study of the integration of technology in interdisciplinary curriculum, Phyllis Mordente
Parent efficacy and parent involvement in parents of preschool children, Jennifer Murkli
Leading a readiness program for low-income students within a preschool setting, Renee Murtaugh
Rowan University students' perceptions of campus safety, Kristen Muscat
Service-learning: a study of faculty attitudes at Rowan University, Rhiannon Napoli
An inquisitive investigation into the effects of self-regulated learning, Jaclynne Nimon
Rowan University's RowanCard: program effectiveness and future direction, Christine Noon
Increasing students self-esteem through the implementation of the Bucket Filler Lesson Plans, Jenna Norton
Drinking motives and influences among college students, Angela Ostapowycz
A comparison of video modeling and social stories to decrease inappropriate behaviors, Caitlin Peluszak
The effects of daycare on children's socialization in the first three years of school, Alison Pomykacz
The effects of Wilson Reading System and Guided Reading on the reading achievement of students with learning disabilities, Rachel Ricci
Vision accuracy: comparisons, Mark Roman
Professionalizing practice: how PLC development enhances teaching and learning, Kelly Roselle
Reciprocal teaching and its effect on inference skills to enhance reading comprehension, Amber Rosenberger
Procrastination behaviors in college students, Lauren Rosetti
An exploratory investigation of family structure and adult attachment orientation, Alison Rossi
Teachers, teamwork, and technology: an introspective look at leadership and change, Robert Rossi
Assisting student cancer survivors to re-enter the school setting, Rebecca Rothschild
The Seminarts experience: restructuring a ninth grade transitional program in a whole school arts academy, Mari Celi Sanchez
Connecting brain research with teaching practice among middle school teachers, Irene Sanders
Formative assessment: the implementation of Learnia and the impact on students' proficiency of the New Jersey Mathematics Standards, Nicole Santora
From passive to active learning: contingent faculty collaboratively leading pedagogical change, Thomas Setaro
Interactive software and its effects on hostility, Warren Shya
Inclusive co-teaching in the secondary schools: a study in sustainable change, Marnee Sirolli
Student attitudes towards codes of conduct and their impact on behavior, Jessica Smith
What happens when fourth graders use learning profiles to direct their learning?, Caley Spahn
Involvement patterns: student involvement in the student community policing program at Rowan University, Stephanie Staple
Creating the environment for inclusion: ways for teachers to encourage positive interactions between typical and special needs children, Lauren Stevens
Using a multi-sensory teaching approach to impact learning and community in a second grade classroom, Melissa Stoffers
The importance of establishing positive behavior supports and classroom community to foster successful transitions throughout diverse school settings, Bailey Tormollan
Choosing Rowan University: a study on contributing external factors amongst native residential freshmen, Elizabeth Trenado
Understanding community college affordability and its impact on student persistence, Elvy Vieira
Open source software as applied in higher education: at one four-year university, Muneerah Wakeel
The relationship between nighttime reading with children by their caregivers and reading achievement, Ashley Williams
The relationship between locus of control and birth order in college students' academic success, Shannara Williams
Birth order and its effect on depression in adults, Sambul Zaidi
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
The dream is alive: a study of selected African American males' success at Rowan University, Cory Boone
Magic, monsters, and Merlin: an exploration of the fantasy genre in a fifth grade setting, Traci Bowles
An exploratory investigation on how authentic writing affects students' attitudes towards writing, Kerri Colletto
The effects that a cognitive behavior modification intervention can have on a child with behavioral disabilities, Kelly Courtney
An evaluation of graduate students' perceptions of mattering at Rowan University, Christopher D'Angelo
Improving math fact acquisition of students with learning disabilities using the "Touch Math" method, Carol Dombrowski
Leadership and the first-year experience: a study of outcomes from student involvement and the FLIP Program, Gavin Farber
A nonverbal signal system: minimizing the effects of student interruptions, maximizing instructional time, and sustaining momentum while teaching, Mallory Heimlich
How do intrinsic motivational strategies impact student's engagement in learning?, Kaitlyn Howarth
What happens when writing notebooks are used in a first grade classroom?, Shelley Kole
A case study on sibling rivalry and the use of a social skills training model, Michelle Maiorano
How do first graders define a family?, Kelly Ann McGrail
A study of the impact of late night programming on student involvement at Rowan University, Brian Milsted
Using self-regulation to improve academic outcomes of middle school students with behavioral disabilities, Sandra Niblic
Early intervention in conflict resolution for lower elementary students in a self-contained classroom, Colleen Roughgarden
Making a major decision: undeclared student retention and the process of choosing an academic major at Rowan University, Rachael Scharen
Educationally underprepared students' perception of their experience in a pre-freshman bridge program, Mary Schell