Current theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs are submitted electronically to Rowan University's Office of Graduate Research Services and are usually available in this institutional repository within a few weeks of submission. Theses and dissertations submitted between 2010 and 2015 have been migrated from the library’s previous digital archives and are available here.
As of 9/29/16, theses and dissertations produced between 1996 and 2010 have been scanned and uploaded. If you are the author of a Rowan University (or Glassboro State College) thesis or dissertation produced before 2010, and you do not want your document to be publicly available in Rowan Digital Works, you must complete and submit this form to request its removal from the repository.
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Academic hope: a study investigating the graduate school experience of selected African American male students, Jay C. Jones
Helping struggling writers through self-regulated strategy development, Rajvi Kamdar
Religiosity and well-being: meaning in life as coping strategy in Korean-American Judeo-Christian adolescents, Stephen M. Kang
A program evaluation of the impact of the Education Expo at Rowan University, Lauren Kontje
The impact of Cumberland County College's Student Pathways Leadership Institute on selected participants, Anjelica N. Leonard
The effect of home musical environment on child attitude and aptitude, Donna Lyon
Public libraries' commitment to gay youth, Kimberle Madden
Integrating technology into the 2nd grade writing curriculum, Jessica Mallon
An analysis of how birth control is presented in young adult novels, Corey L. Mason
The effects of self-management strategies for high school students with disabilities, Michael McCoach
User-generated tagging and the public library online public access catalog, Andrea C. McDonald
Morning meetings and how they create a community in the classroom, Kelly McKnight
School library web sites as public relations tools, Melissa Meserall
Connecting with diverse students through dialogue journals, Jacqueline G. Mikkelson
Information commons service model and community colleges in New Jersey, Mary E. Moody
Integrating children's literature and mathematics, Karen E. Moore
Promotion of self-esteem through character education, Rebecca Ann Muller
How can elementary educators use multicultural literature to help prepare students for life as a global citizen?, Kathryn Oleksy
The effects of character education on the behavior of 5th grade students, Lisa Oxenberg
The effects of social skills training for high school students with disabilities, Tracy Pellegrino
Engineering a global-minded citizen: the impact of international service projects on students engaged in EWB, Maria Perez-Colón
The effects of the friend networking site MySpace on adolescents' global self esteem, Amanda L. Pietrangelo
Prejudice and attitudes towards non-religious individuals with the influences of religious orientation, Arielle M. Pinzon
The impact of student involvement and engagement on African American undergraduate success in college, Keron A. Piper
The adult student decline: a study of the longterm impact of the Rowan University strategic plan, Derrell Pustizzi
A study of the effects of the verbal behavior approach in teaching young children with autism, Laura Salvitti
Service-learning at Rowan University: perceived impact on selected student participants, Dawn E. Sandas
The influence of perceived task difficulty on task performance, Dominick Scasserra
Stressful life events, depression, and the effects of perceived social support, Kristen Schiers
Response to intervention: concerns of teacher fidelity, Amanda B. Sinko
An impact evaluation of the Ujima Female Mentoring Program at Rowan University, Talia Shiri Adalyah Sykes
Peer tutoring in a fourth grade inclusion classroom, Kathleen Weiss
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
The effectiveness of school uniforms on students' academic achievement and overall classroom behavior, Bobbi Jo Adams
The effect on teaching problem-solving skills for students with learning disabilities using the connected mathematics project, Melissa A. Axelsson
Impact of character education on a third grade inclusion classroom, Christina M. Barbato
A study investigating the opinions and experiences of selected teachers regarding teacher bullying, Christian A. Barnes
Evidence of heterarchical planning within higher education institutions: learning garden planning and development at Rowan University, Sheri K. Barnes
Student teachers need a shot in the arm: a study of librarian/teacher collaboration through teacher preparation programs, Daria C. Benford
A study of selected student attitudes toward factors that influence academic achievement, Marquis L. Bennett
Being visually impaired in an elementary art classroom: a case study, Kristina Benton
Leadership issues, concerns, and competencies of senior level student affairs professionals: a study of a 4 year public university, Todd C. Brelsford
A study of the impact graphing calculators have on the achievement in high school pre calculus, Marsha Brumberg
An exploratory investigation of third graders' perceptions of bullying, Laura N. Burns
Teacher perceptions on student portfolio assessment and implementation, Diane Caldwell
The learning space: a study of the suggested principles and practices in designing the classroom environment, Theodore J. Colanduno
Differentiating instruction: what does it look like when utilized in a kindergarten classroom?, Andrea L. Concordia
A study of the attitudes of selected African American students toward leadership & Black Greek letter organizations, Elora L. Crump
How to establish and maintain positive parent-teacher relationships, Tracy Cwiakala
An exploratory study of rates of progress in early reading skills in an inclusive classroom as measured by DIBELS indicators, Tracy DeAngelo
Perceived benefits of involvement in student government, Kristen Diorio
Student connection: how graduate assistants of Rowan University connect to the campus community, Janelle R. M. Duncan
Communication theory vs. performance skills: how do Rowan public speaking professors weave both into class lectures?, Renai Ellison
An evaluation of how elementary school teachers perceive library media specialists' responsibilities in Gloucester County, New Jersey, Kathleen M. Farrington
Creating and implementing an effective behavior management strategy in a second grade classroom, Kristen M. Geary
Acceptance or denial: what matters most in college admissions, Lori Ann Getler
Life after Harry: creating a reader's advisory model based on the literary archetypes of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, Patricia C. Hatton
Art history with a click of a mouse or a flip of a page?, Richard Herzog
Services provided by district school library media supervisors, Ericka L. Hooker
Student-athletes and involvement theory, Thomas F. J. Iacovone
An investigation of an after-school science enrichment program, Jennifer Lyn Jamison
Does student engagement vary among colleges within a university?, Amrinder Kaur
A student-driven approach to reduce bullying in elementary school classrooms, Jennifer Lee Kelly
Evaluating the effectiveness of school library web sites, Sheryl Laws
Body image in middle school students, Erin Lichtenwalner
A study of student involvement at Rowan University, Joseph P. Lizza
Students as agents of change, Meghan Lynch
A study of New Jersey middle school mathematics teachers' qualifications and beliefs on certification, Stephanie Marone
The effect of Abbott parity funding on instrumental music programs in the state of New Jersey, William Carl McDevitt
Promoting student self-efficacy through assessment, Meredith Leigh McGrath
A comparison of full-day and half-day preschool: analyzing behavioral and social development, Laura Miller
Conflict resolution in elementary school, Nanci L. Moore
Self perceptions of sibling relationships, Cory R. Mueller
Social norms: actual versus perceived alcohol consumption of college freshmen, Erick M. Nuñez
An examination of the effect of constructivist and cooperative learning teaching techniques on student engagement in social studies, Dana Olivieri
Student perceptions regarding the use of rubrics in writing assignments, Lindsay C. O'Neill
Censorship and self-censorship in the public high school libraries of Gloucester County, New Jersey, Melissa L. Owen
The relationship of locus of control, assimilation/acculturation and academic performance, Sandra Padró
The effects of pre-exam exposure to music on test anxiety, Samuel Parashis
Influences of mothers and dual-career families on the educational attainment of female college students, Mansi Patel
Professors' perceptions of student readiness for college-level mathematics, Tara L. Pedrick
How can learning centers be used to support classroom instruction and promote critical thinking in a kindergarten classroom?, Amelia M. Pellegrino
Strategies to teach character education through children's literature, Rebecca Quinn
A study on the impact of parental structure on high school students' academic performance, Erica Rell
An exploratory study to determine best practices in implementing response to intervention, Nikki Allison Renella
A study of books included in the state of New Jersey's holocaust and genocide 5-8th grade curriculum, Christin M. Robey
Comparing friendships of college students from intact and divorced families, Jennifer Shendock
Health locus of control of children with a chronic health condition, Margo K. Shevchenko
Recreational reading program for sixth grade students, Angela M. Smith
Attitudes towards accommodations for students with learning disabilities: a study of Rowan University faculty, Sean C. Smith
How the public library contributes to community building: a case study, Barbara J. Snyder
A pilot study investigating the sophomore experience at Rowan University, David R. Stuart Jr.
A study investigating academic advising support for student athletes at Rutgers University-Camden, Thomas Thomasson Jr.
The effects of being a mentor on high school students' self-efficacy and communication skills development, Annemarie Wagner-Fehn
Family dynamics and substance use in young adulthood, Jonathan White
A comparison of multiple intelligence preferences and performance on standardized tests, Suzanne Marie White
Do students with learning disabilities view their self-concept more positively in a private day school for special needs versus students in an inclusive public school classroom?, Jennifer L. Wierski
A study on high school graduates with disabilities: how is their transition from school to adulthood?, Dawn M. Wilson
The relationship between intrinsic/extrinsic religiosity and meaning in life, Diane Woyciechowski