Current theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs are submitted electronically to Rowan University's Office of Graduate Research Services and are usually available in this institutional repository within a few weeks of submission. Theses and dissertations submitted between 2010 and 2015 have been migrated from the library’s previous digital archives and are available here.
As of 9/29/16, theses and dissertations produced between 1996 and 2010 have been scanned and uploaded. If you are the author of a Rowan University (or Glassboro State College) thesis or dissertation produced before 2010, and you do not want your document to be publicly available in Rowan Digital Works, you must complete and submit this form to request its removal from the repository.
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Student motivation: the impact intrinsic motivation and extrinsic rewards have on elementary students, Renee Tybus
The impact of internal and external factors on the academic success of selected African American students, Takeyda Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
The impact of student employment on student involvement, Stefanie Anderson
A content analysis of young adult novels featuring mentally and emotionally disabled characters, Lisa L. Ballistreri
Motivating kindergarteners to write in a half-day setting, Alison C. Barnes
Effective strategies for creating socially developing and accepting inclusion classrooms, Kristin Bishop
An investigation of teachers' perceptions of school psychologists, Noelle Bisinger
What happens when students learn a step-by-step approach to solving math word problems?, Lindsay Brooks
Elementary school students and homework: a study of best practices, Michelle F. Brown
The learning curve: the thinking and learning styles of selected student athletes at Rowan University and the impact on academic achievement, Robert Bullard
Impact of a selected remedial mathematics course on Accuplacer re-test results, Denise Chalow Case
High school media center web sites: essential elements, Debra Ann Cathcart
Guided reading instruction and making words, Amanda Cavaliere
How can morning meeting and character education foster a community of respect in a second grade classroom?, Alyssa Conlon
What's in a choice? a study in how choice in assignment affects student completion of assignments, Christopher J. Croge
Will using the self-regulated development model improve math word problem solving skills for seventh grade students with learning disabilities?, Heather D'Antonio
Using art to teach problem-solving and other social skills: the effectiveness of the RATE Program, Jessica Anne Masino Drass
Social stories: do they improve the social pragmatic skills of second through fourth grade students with learning disabilities?, Kristine A. Egrie
Motivations for participation in adult education of predominately African Americans in a religious organization, Shirley S. Farrar
Correlations of preschool attendance and child study team classifications, Joanellen P. Fenimore
Facilitating communication in a developmentally delayed child, Ryan Finlay
Infusing music in an academic curriculum, Katelyn E. Frevert
Using movement and kinesthetic learning to teach academics in a fourth grade classroom, Elise Fulginiti
Self-censorship in middle school libraries, Jennifer M. Gallagher
Teacher personality: does it influence effectiveness and student achievement in the classroom?, Meghan A. Garrett
Building school connections through integrating extracurricular programs, Grete E. Gerber
Medication's effect on classified students' self-esteem and academic performance, Rachel S. Grizer
Inclusion: influencing attitudes through training, collaboration, and support, Donna L. Groon
An exploration of obesity: childhood onset obesity and adult onset obesity, S. Shahed Hasheminejad
A study of the impact Rowan University's alcohol & other drug program has on behaviors, dispositions & attitudes among students, Jessica P. Havery
The implementation of the exit slip strategy to examine the advancement of paraphrasing and summarizing Shakespearean text, Andrea M. Hawn
Exploring Play Attention, Brett Hoyt
Assessing undergraduate student involvement: a closer look at the African American pattern, Adam M. Jordan
The impact of literature circles on reading comprehenson in a fourth grade class, Richard L. Kaufmann
What happens to student engagement and understanding of chemistry when cross-curricular activities and assignments are used in an honors chemistry class?, Heather L. Keller
How do elementary school boys characterize their reading favorites and behaviors?, Brenda J. Koonce
Values education in the American school system, Angela Korch
Student leadership: the influence of television and film on today's student leaders, Alissa Krutoff
The impact of injuries on Division III student-athletes, Danielle Lodics
Active student engagement by using cooperative learning strategies, Austin Martinez
Using literature and role-playing to teach social skills to students in self-contained classrooms, Lauren M. Massa
Differences in the effects of social stories in children with autism and Asperger's syndrome, Stephanie S. Mead
The effects of supplemental educational services on student achievement, Regina F. Miller
An investigation of the lasting impact the C.H.A.M.P/GEAR-Up program at Rowan University has on selected alumni, Jamar Morton
An observational study of the Fast ForWord program and attention skills of students with learning and behavioral difficulties, Eileen A. Mosby
A longitudinal study of the Educational Advancement Alliance, Inc. afterschool and summer enrichment programs, Karen E. Nicholas
Differentiated interdisciplinary science instruction in a fourth grade inclusion classroom, Laura Oliver
The relationship between library professional development and technology in school media centers, Crystal L. O'Malley
Anxiety and birth order: does birth order play a role in a child's anxiety level?, Tarah R. Pearson
Pre-service teachers' attitudes toward the use of inclusive classrooms, Lee E. Phillips
Using theatre education as a medium for bullying prevention, Amanda N. Pioppi
Childhood temperament and its effects on adjustment to college, Ashley L. Prim
Using author studies to incorporate multicultural literature across the New Jersey core curriculum, Carol Lynn Raines-Sapp
A longitudinal study of the enrollment patterns of fulltime, first-time degree-seeking recent high school graduates at a community college, Ramsaran Ramoutar
Impact of new financial aid trend: attitudes and opinions, Rihab Ezzat Saadeddine
A study of selected teachers' methods to improve parental involvement in education, Michael Sandberg
Determining whether the age children enter kindergarten affects academic and social development, Adrienne Sarosky
The prevalence of substance abuse in adolescents with a mental illness and the efficacy of on-going psychiatric treatment, Kristin Short-Giles
Using multicultural literature across curriculum to foster an understanding and acceptance of diversity, Nina Stubblebine
Using the Four Agreements to reduce student stress in a zero tolerance school, William Suarez
Impact of the Orton-Gillingham program on the reading of students who are reading below grade level, Diana M. Sweeney
The effectiveness of incident command systems training for residential learning personnel at Rowan University, Lori Ann Troise
Effect of hands-on approach to editing and revising process on student self-evaluation of personal skills, Lauren J. Usignol
The presence of tranquil sounds in relation to augmented focus and concentration, Jennifer L. West
How does playful active learning motivate students to write and affect performance in writing?, Allison N. Williams
The influence of career-related motivation on academic success, Freda Yeh
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Development of an academic advising program for student-athletes at the Division III level, Harris Adler
30 years of Judy Blume novels... are we still censoring?, Nina Amidon
Undergraduate education majors' perceptions of bullying, Drew Anders
Knowledge of undergraduate psychology-major students of the APA code of ethics, Aziz Atweh
The sophomore experience at Rowan University from the perspective of selected sophomores, Sarah Beth Bailey
An investigation on emergent literacy skills of preschool children with disabilities, Susan Biesz
New Jersey public library services for homeschoolers, Beth Buchhofer
Show me you care, Denise Calore
By any other name: a study of library user comprehension of subject headings, Elizabeth Campbell
What are students' and teachers' perspectives of differentiated instruction in a fourth grade inclusive classroom?, Kellilyn E. Casey
Perceptions of general education teachers in inclusive settings, Katherine A. Conner
Teachers' attitudes towards the New Jersey's Alternate Proficiency Assessment for students with severe disabilities, Rachel L. Cranin
A look at computer classes offered at selected South Jersey public libraries, David Crespy
Academic procrastination among graduate vs. undergraduate students and differences in the experience of affective and cognitive factors, Richard Crowder
Military veterans in higher education: application of adult development theories to selected Rowan University undergraduate veterans, Jennifer Deborah Dahan
A relationship between library skills instruction and NJLA test scores, Anita K. DeAngelis
A study of the predictive validity of the Gates-MacGinitie Reading Test and the New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Knowledge at the 4th, 5th and 6th grade levels, Stephanie L. DiAntonio
Factors affecting academic performance in selected Division III student-athletes, Jaime A. Dickerson
"I don't care how I write, as long as I get a good grade!": using self-evaluations to shift student motivation and improve writing quality, Amanda J. Doyle
Mattering and marginality among African American students at Rowan University, Lovely Durham
Implementing literature circles in a fourth grade classroom, Melinda B. Egan
Bullying in a third grade classroom, Kristen Falco
Primary sources and their effects on student interest, Kevin T. Foster
Building background knowledge in science: English language learners, sheltered instruction, and first graders, Laura B. Freitag
How can giving students voice in a third through sixth learning disabled classroom foster active engagement and students control over their learning?, Sarah M. Furlong
Relationships between reading habits and the development of study skills, Shawn Gilroy
Attitudes toward women's roles: a study of selected undergraduate students at Rowan University, Alicia M. Groatman
Using extensive feedback to improve writing skills within a social studies context, Christopher Hahn
An exploratory investigation into the outcomes of the integration of language arts and social studies lessons, Kathryn C. Hall
Impact of involvement in athletics upon leadership preferences among selected Rowan University athletes, Lindsay K. Hanson
Self-censorship by middle school librarians, Candace V. Johnson