Current theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs are submitted electronically to Rowan University's Office of Graduate Research Services and are usually available in this institutional repository within a few weeks of submission. Theses and dissertations submitted between 2010 and 2015 have been migrated from the library’s previous digital archives and are available here.
As of 9/29/16, theses and dissertations produced between 1996 and 2010 have been scanned and uploaded. If you are the author of a Rowan University (or Glassboro State College) thesis or dissertation produced before 2010, and you do not want your document to be publicly available in Rowan Digital Works, you must complete and submit this form to request its removal from the repository.
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
The influence of active procrastination and passive procrastination on university students' education and success in college, Frank Martini Jr
The capacity to lead: building a collaborative organization through a shared vision and improved staff capacity in an inclusive New Jersey preschool, Kathleen McCabe-Odri
Adult learning and development theories and principles represented in theater, Jeffrey Miele
Undecided students: a study of decision-making styles and choosing a college major at Rowan University, Kathleen Pasquarella
Bullying among middle school students, Paige Pfeiffer
Using the Keyword Method and the Smart Board in vocabulary instruction for students with learning disabilities, Maria Grace Phillips
Compassion fatigue In nurse faculty, Patricia Price
Using an Apple iPad for self-monitoring of students with autism, Erin Rigo
Inclusion of African American Vernacular English in the classroom, Chris Roye-Gill
Undergraduate students' perceptions of general education: a mixed methods approach, Rihab Saadeddine
Place of residence and its impact on college students with disabilities, Jonathan Tarbous
Academic resilience: narratives of high-achieving Black female middle school adolescents, Courtne Thomas
Rowan After Hours: the impact of student employment on student engagement, Lauren Thompson
Organization strategies to enhance math performance of high school students with attention deficit disorders, Martina Wilkerson
Religion and spirituality: a study of undergraduate student sentiments and transcendence, Robert Yufer
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Using a professional learning community to include emotionally and behaviorally disordered students and their teachers in inclusion programs, Melody Alegria
A study of the impact of single-gender classes on middle school students in an urban setting, Deniese Barnett-Cooper
Transforming regular classroom instruction to differentiate for gifted and highly capable learners, Stephanie Brown
The role and impact of bullying bystanders in an urban school setting, Courtney Casey
Impact of the EOF Academic Coaching Program on selected first year EOF students, Calvin Cheung
The effect of the "20 Word Chant" on student sight word recall, Janine Chong
Registration, attendance, and reality: African-Americans engaged in SAT preparation, Don Coleman
A qualitative approach to understanding the study abroad experience, Charlotte Cuss
Effectiveness of peer interventions to develop appropriate communication skills in children with autism, Meghan Draper
The effect of using technology and self-monitoring to teach basic facts to children at risk, Jennifer Ellis
Transfer seminars: the impact on transfer student collegiate adjustment, Amanda Farina
Engineering residential learning communities: evaluating the impact on freshmen engineering students, Margaret Flynn
Learning to teach: a multiple case study analysis on the role of professional learning community participation on pre-service teachers enrolled in a professional development school teacher preparation program, Lissette Gonzalez-Perez
Using Facebook to improve social communication skills of students with autism spectrum disorders, Genna Graham
Effects of a response to intervention program for middle school students with reading and math difficulties, Jeri Hendrickson
The effectiveness of Total Physical Response Storytelling for language learning with special education students, Laura Holleny
Cyberbullying and students with learning disabilities, Gail Horakh
A student satisfaction study of the Chamberlain Student Center, Kaitlyn Howarth
Risk factors for high school dropouts: do perceptions of bullying play a role?, Alison Hunt
Coupling academia and civic responsibility: impact of incorporating service-learning into selected courses, Cheri James
Higher education: understanding the identity and retention of Latino(a) students, Nelcy Jimenez
Self-management of classroom transitions for students with attention disorders, Colleen Johnson
Using Student Response System (SRS) to reduce off-task behavior of students with behavior problems, Mary Johnson
The external and internal educational factors that contribute to student achievement and self-perceptions of urban middle school Title I students, Ja'Shanna Jones
An autoethnographic analysis of school leadership in an alternative education environment, LeRoi Jones
Using social networking to increase independent social functioning in a student with autism, Daniel Kilgallon
The role of school psychologists regarding the implementation of the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act, John Kowalcyk
The prevalence and perceptions of bullying in the autistic population: the functionality of social skills training, Jessica Krambeck
Suicide prevention / postvention: a student, parent, teacher, and other educational professionals perspective, Heather Leech
Using an Internet Learning Profile to create customized plans, Beth Lynne
The implementation of literacy lab classrooms as a form of professional learning for teachers, Briean Madden
Advisory programs: evaluation of the planning for implementation in an urban high school, Laura Martin
Relationship between exercise and the expression of ADHD symptoms in college students, Jessica McDaniel
The effectiveness of embedded picture mnemonic alphabet cards on letter recognition and letter sound knowledge, Gabrielle McNamara
Disability resources in New Jersey and Delaware colleges and universities, Samantha Mock
Effects of specific instructional practices on independent writing of learning-disabled students, Astrid Monforte
What are parents' opinions towards their children's transition from school to adulthood?, Michelle Moore
Alternatives to grade retention in a pre-kindergarten to second grade setting: a leadership study, Phillip Neff
Weighing in on teacher attitudes of obese students: a descriptive correlational design, Angelina Pecoraro
The relationship between aggression and communication in students with developmental disabilities, Emily Peel
No nursing student left behind: non-cognitive screening, Letty Piper
In-text and out-of-text engagement: interactional features in students' academic writing and academic engagement, Florette Press
School culture: a sequential mixed methods exploratory meta-analysis, Cynthia Pritchett
An exploratory investigation of public school teachers' perceptions of bullying, Devon Punchello
Impact of student identity and involvement within the Dr. Harley E. Flack Mentoring Program, Tiffany Reed
The effect of direct instruction and self-management strategies on writing fluency of students with learning disabilities, Shawna Richetti
Using computer-assisted graphic organizers in algebra instruction to support high school students with learning disabilities, Katherine Rimby
Diamond to coal: an educational leadership doctoral program's evolution and devolution, Eva Ross
Arts and education: an investigation into the impact of the arts academy on high school students, Nigel Sangster
University involvement in downtown revitalization: stakeholder perspectives and opportunities, Michael Schillo Jr
Faculty and Facebook: attitudes of selected faculty toward utilizing Facebook to connect with students, Janet Schmeelk
The effect of collaborative strategic reading for 4th Graders with learning disabilities, Kathy Seacrist
Ankle prophylactic interventions in Division III male and female basketball athletes, David Seeberger
Questioning to increase perspective taking abilities in a child with Asperger's disorder, Melissa Shestack
The use of direct instruction to improve reading comprehension for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Emily Sierra
Establishing a community of professional learners: leadership strategies that promote teacher efficacy, Marie Simone
Using reflective practice to study school leadership, Cheryl Smith
Student involvement theory: patterns of sport club participation at Rowan University, Brian Stelzer
The differential impact of school absences on general and special education high school students, Carly Stranges
Supporting students in higher education through relational augmentation, Tyrone Taylor
Speaking of rivers: demystifying foreign-born Blacks through a secondary ESL context, C. D. Williams
A comparison study on teacher-centered and inquiry-based instruction in science education of middle school students with learning disabilities: what is effective?, Jessica Yorke-Servis
The impact on selected students participating in the Thomas N. Bantivoglio Honors Concentration at Rowan University, Valerie Zieniuk
Adult student practitioners: a qualitative study on their personal experiences, Mark Zorzi
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Autokinetics: a group intervention to mitigate at-risk behaviors in adolescents, Christine Abrahams
Authentic literature's effect on student attitudes towards individuals with disabilities, Sara Alves
Implementing professional learning communities to improve student writing achievement, Dori Alvich
Professional development reform: a shift from traditional practices to a new paradigm, Janine Anderson
Can positive self-talk alter one's happiness?, Elizabeth Armetta
The keyword method: a study of vocabulary acquisition in fifth grade, Danielle Aureli
The Prof versus the Owl: faculty attitudes towards intercollegiate athletics at Rowan University, Robert Baumgartner
Looking to the future: an examination of the potential for SAT-optional admissions, Albert Betts Jr
The Professional Staff and Librarian Learning Community at Rowan University, Katherine Boland