Current theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs are submitted electronically to Rowan University's Office of Graduate Research Services and are usually available in this institutional repository within a few weeks of submission. Theses and dissertations submitted between 2010 and 2015 have been migrated from the library’s previous digital archives and are available here.
As of 9/29/16, theses and dissertations produced between 1996 and 2010 have been scanned and uploaded. If you are the author of a Rowan University (or Glassboro State College) thesis or dissertation produced before 2010, and you do not want your document to be publicly available in Rowan Digital Works, you must complete and submit this form to request its removal from the repository.
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Planning an employee Spanish training program at the community college level, Melissa A. Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Using reinforcement and self management in classrooms to increase motivation, Sherri Aitken
The effectiveness of non-traditional vocabulary instruction in a second-grade inclusion classroom, Stephanie Marie Anderson
The effect of a constructivist social studies unit on student attitudes toward social studies, Kristi L. Arruzzo
The impact of positive reinforcement and self-recording on the on-task behavior of third grade students, Shannon L. Bishop
Piloting the implementation and assessment of a new first year experience at Rowan University, Stephen A. Bonora
The use of personal digital assistants in the K-8 classrooms, Tracy A. Brosovich
Public library services to senior patrons, Paul J. Brunner
Gender role development in early versus late adolescence, Andrea Buchma
Determining multiple intelligences in the preschool aged child, Jill Elizabeth Capie
Effects of implementing kinesthetic activities in the classroom, Amanda R. Coppola
Present and future senior services at South County Regional Library in Camden County, Edward J. Cuneo III
Context dependent memory for relaxing conditions, Kimberly Davies
A study of secondary teachers' attitudes toward the use of the graphing calculator to prepare for and perform on the HSPA, Michael Dempsey
A survey of the availability of school library media center catalogs on the web, Matthew James DiBella Jr.
How critical is fluency for the struggling reader?, Lisa Dilts
The effects of using children's literature to teach positive character traits to elementary students, Christopher M. Dimakos
Usage of plant examples in secondary school biology classes, Tamara L. Egner
Issues, challenges, and leadership qualities of participating NJAC head soccer coaches at the division III level, Thomas E. Eichhorn
The prevalence and function of mathematics specialists across southern New Jersey, Susan M. Eith
How does being placed in a special education setting affect a student's self-concept?, Kristin Fastiggi
An investigative study of the library information skills taught by elementary school library media specialists in Camden City public schools, Michele Gold Feldman
No child left behind: the impact on special education teachers at the secondary level, Stacey E. Gofberg
A study of the changing complexion of academic governance in New Jersey community colleges, George J. Hakun
A correlational study of the relationship between birth order and individual's locus of control, Rachel Heiblim
The effect of income on students' behavior and parental involvement, Alison Hoell
The impact of the resource room on peer relationships, Jennifer Howells
Public and school library collaboration in Atlantic and Cape May counties, Jennifer Jamison and Terri Lee Tabasso
Interventions for success: perceptions on RTI, Renee Marie Johnson
The extent to which New Jersey public librarians promote early literacy skills, Kathleen M. Kelley
The effects of psychological birth order on Goldberg's "big 5" personality traits, Carol S. Kiedaisch
Corroborating what data collected by 9th-12th grade school librarians articulate and validate a successful school library program, Arlen H. Kimmelman
Does phonological processing, a specific subtype of dyslexia, impact performance on intelligence tests?, Lara Z. Lisnyj
An impact evaluation of the Dr. Harley E. Flack Male Mentoring Program at Rowan University, Eliezer Marcellus
Locus of control and risk behavior among college students, Lauren R. Matricardi
Achievement goals affect academic success and help seeking behavior of undergraduates, Meghan McCarthy
Does working together work? a study of collaboration between classroom teachers and school library media specialists, Carol Elizabeth Miller
A study of the attitudes of selected campus leaders toward the role of student trustees at New Jersey state colleges and universities, Matthew S. Minnella
A correlational study on how reading scores are affected by complementing learning and teaching styles in multiple kindergarten settings, Leslie-Ann D. Monforto
What are elementary students' perceptions of their homework? an investigation on student achievement and their homework completion, Charles Kenneth Morgenweck
The roles and responsibilities of academic chairs in strategic planning at Rowan University, William F. O'Brien
Test anxiety: effects on standardized testing, average classroom assessments, and fourth grade students, Elysia J. Ochs
Effective collaboration methods of school media specialists and classroom teachers, Cynthia Anne O'Reilly
Library access to Hispanic books in Bridgeton, New Jersey, Donna Pettit
The effect of positive reinforcement on the achievement of 3rd grade students' spelling, Leandra Pintel
The relationship between parenting style and academic success among college students, Sarah E. Pisacano
Full-day kindergarten versus half-day kindergarten: which has more advantages for children with disabilities?, Kathy V. Priest
The effects of learning goals on self-concept and intrinsic motivation in the learning disabled student: a case study, Lindsay S. Reed
The reading habits of elementary students and the potential role of the school library media specialist, Elizabeth Reilly-Stern
Division III athletic trainers' attitudes toward issues and concerns of the athletic training profession, Kristin Sacerdote
Building better working relationships between high school library media specialists and school technology coordinators, Jennifer Lynn Sedlock
What happens when a fifth grade class takes an inquiry stance into their own wellness through a critical literacy lens?, Casey Shalhoub
Techniques used by elementary library media specialists to teach Caldecott Medal and Honor Award books, Kathy Lee Simpkins
NCAA Division III student-athletes' attitudes and knowledge of anabolic steroids, Keith Smicklo
Computer use and integration of elementary school teachers, Samuel L. Smith
Analysis of elementary school library web sites in southern New Jersey, Tricia L. Squire
A study on employment of vocational school graduates with disabilities: how is their transition from school to adulthood?, Herbert H. Stevenson Jr.
Pre-K student and teacher access to and use of school library media programs, Michelle Tullio
The effects of critical literacy according to Bloom's taxonomy cognition, Jennifer L. Virelli
Homework can be challenging for students with learning disabilities, Regis A. Vitale Sr.
Anti-bullying laws and policies in southern New Jersey, Joanna M. Wardrop
Impact of educational attainment before diagnosis on functioning level after diagnosis, Rachele M. Weichmann
What are teachers' perspectives on their competence in teaching students with disabilities?, Tara Wessel
Early intervention and applied behavior analysis: a case study, Kathleen I. Westcott
Characteristics of an existing third grade social studies curriculum and students' views on an alternative instructional strategy, Stefanie R. Whitefield
The effects of social skills training to increase appropriate behaviors of elementary students with disabilities in physical education, Rachel P. White
The relationship between social engagement and academic engagement in a group of 3rd, 5th, and 7th grade students, Christine Marie Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
A study investigating undergraduate student leader perceptions of involvement and intentionality of out-of-class learning, Lauren M. Ackermann
Stepping out to make a step up through testing interventions, Barbara B. Adams
Exploring the effect of literature circles on reading comprehension and motivation, Christina Anderson
Programmatic assessment of nonformal environmental education programs in southern New Jersey, Teresa E. Andres
The effect of suspension on student achievement in Mathematics and English among high school students, Glen Howard Asch
General and special education teachers' perspectives on co-teaching practice and barriers, Kristie L. Attardi
Why do African American and Latino undergraduate students choose to attend Rowan University?, Jose A. Aviles
The effects of collaborative strategic reading among third grade students, Inez Lee Barberio
No more worksheets: a pre-service teacher's look at manipulatives, Kathren Field Barraclough
Evaluation of the 2000 long-range facilities plan for Dennis Township School District, M. Elizabeth Barrett
The use of performance enhancing supplements and the need for drug testing policies, James J. Battersby
Teachers' perceptions and curriculum analysis for a zoo education program, Ronald S. Berger
Technology's impact on student learning in grades K-8, Anne C. Borger
An evaluation of the honor code at Cherry Hill High School East, John Edward Burns
The effectiveness of a discipline plan on student achievement, Wendy Ann Carman
Inclusion: a view from students and teachers, Elizabeth A. Carroll
Formative assessment: the effect on academic achievement and attitudes toward science, Susanne Casey
The effects of a word study spelling program in a differentiated classroom, Lauren M. Cassano
The effects of professional development on the staff's increased awareness of program changes at the Warren E. Sooy, Jr. Elementary School, Renee' C. Clark and Jennifer Peeke
Learning for all, Barry Cohen
A study of the services, materials and policies provided for homeschooling families by New Jersey public libraries, Patricia A. Collins
Implementation of flexible grouping in language arts as a form of differentiated instruction, Beth A. Connor
What impact does an attendance incentive program have on student attendance?, Marilyn Cosme
Investigation into the effects of an after school GEPA math program in raising student achievement, Denise J. Costigan
Reading comprehension evaluated through electronic storybooks and traditional print storybooks, Erika Lynn Crescenzo
A study investigating the health care support service training needs for Gloucester County and workforce development demand, Maureen D'Andrea
Student perception of behavior management systems, Jennifer L. Dayton
Planning procedures for school media centers, Heather A. Deitch
Do we really see the world in black and white?, Christine DeRiso
A study of head coaches' attitudes regarding academic support services for student athletes in the New Jersey Athletic Conference, Kenneth M. Dickson
Evaluation of high school reading motivational programs, Jeffrey A. Dilks
Transition services for non-mainstreamed students, Rosemary F. Dobbins