Current theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs are submitted electronically to Rowan University's Office of Graduate Research Services and are usually available in this institutional repository within a few weeks of submission. Theses and dissertations submitted between 2010 and 2015 have been migrated from the library’s previous digital archives and are available here.
As of 9/29/16, theses and dissertations produced between 1996 and 2010 have been scanned and uploaded. If you are the author of a Rowan University (or Glassboro State College) thesis or dissertation produced before 2010, and you do not want your document to be publicly available in Rowan Digital Works, you must complete and submit this form to request its removal from the repository.
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Evaluation of Positive Behavior Support systems as it relates to teacher satisfaction, Shawna Lyn Mulford
The effect of explicit teaching of inferring on the reading comprension of students with learning disabilities in middle school, Rebecca Berkowitz Muller
Understanding the first-year student athlete experience at Rowan University: a qualitative approach, David Joseph Naphy
Bullying prevention and intervention in education through the visual arts: an instrumental case study, Eugene Neglia
Online versus on-ground: student outcomes and the influence of student engagement in a college success course, Theresa Elizabeth Orosz
College student attitudes toward intercollegiate athletics at Rowan University, Donald Nathanial Parsley
Organizational development and learning technology in the workplace: the migration of university reporting tools, Anne C. Pinder
The role of professional advising in the liberal arts, Kimberly Rose Poolos
Leadership development and involvement: a study of the 2015 Peer Referral and Orientation Staff at Rowan University, NaQuan Redd
Examining student leader involvement patterns related to academic success, Stephanie Reiley
Transgressive acts in an era of accountability: narratives of New Jersey's public school teachers, Gary Daniel Scavette
The effect of new literacies and technology on student engagement and transforming the literacy block, Allison M. Schlupp
The effects of using direct instruction and computer-assisted instruction on teaching decoding skills to elementary students with learning disabilities, Jessica Lauren Schramm
The effects of a multiple schedule and RIRD intervention on the vocal stereotypy of a student with autism spectrum disorder, Kathleen Michelle Scully
The effectiveness of listening while reading with story mapping on the reading comprehension of students with emotional disorders, Suzanne C. Sedarat
Self-monitoring for students with disabilities, Lauren Beth Serebransky
Transcending we/they: a qualitative formative evaluation of the transformative potential of an in-district leadership development program, Jennifer Anne Sharp
The effects of group cohesion and experiential learning activities on participation styles in a college classroom, Elizabeth Shmikler
An exploration of student anxiety and the degree of ABA services, Alexis Stavros
What motivates reluctant male readers?, Cheryl Ann Tartaglione
The effects of culturally responsive instruction and multicultural texts to support fifth grade struggling readers in an RtI Tier 2 classroom, Dana Marie Teague
Comparing the effectiveness of two verbal problem solving strategies: Solve It! and CUBES, Margaret Tibbitt
Encouraging professional competency development of higher education administration graduate students through supervised student affairs practice, Andrew S. Tinnin
The effects of Orton Gillingham instructional techniques during small group instruction, Kathleen Tiver
Influence of mentors of female development among higher education administrative professionals, Courtney Van Leuvan
A critical discourse analysis of strategies for change in New Jersey’s teacher evaluations: How principals make meaning of the Danielson Framework for Teaching, Sara Jane Van Ness
The United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) and medical student wellness: an ethnographic qualitative study at Cooper Medical School of Rowan University, Patricia Davis Vanston
Exploring my leadership practice in connection to the support system for second- to fourth-year non-tenured teachers, Joseph Patrick Vespignani
Effectiveness of 1:1 technology in the science classroom, Courtney Tara Weiss
Will it change their reflection? A culturally responsive reaction to literacy failures, Idalis J. Williams
Does daily therapeutic intervention within a controlled environment reduce chronic disruptive behavior for a second grader with ADHD?, Lisa M. Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Enhancing engagement of students with invisible disabilities: Rowan University faculty knowledge and awareness and student perspectives, Shariese Abdullah
Student voice: a qualitative case study of teachers' conceptions in a New Jersey urban high school, Matin Adegboyega
Community college presidents: perceptions of leadership demands and competencies, Paula Adelhoch
Rowan University faculty attitudes towards their role as advisors, Eunice Adigun
My sisters myself: exploring the health and wellness practices of African American women, Carmen Alexis
Difference in stress in parents of children with communication disorders with or without an autism spectrum disorder, Paige Appelt
Academic perseverance: establishing on-task behaviors through self-monitoring, Lauren Arno
An exploration of the relationship between community college entrepreneurial orientation, enrollment management orientation, and performance, Bhavesh Bambhrolia
What happens when QR codes are used to increase student engagement, motivation and independence in a fourth grade basic skills classroom?, Stephanie Baruffi
Rowan University's converted triples: impacts on roommate relationships and fostering social density, Laura Blazewicz
In transition: examining students with learning disabilities' transition from high school to college through Schlossberg's transition theory, Margaret Bonanni
The role of school psychologists in bullying interventions in year four of New Jersey Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act, Amanda Brady
Preparing for change: an examination of an urban school's extra-curricular activities and professional learning communities in creating a culture ready for change, Linda Brown-Bartlett
Stimulating diversity outcomes? A multicase study exploring entrepreneurial architecture and storytelling in higher education institutions, Noel Criscione-Naylor
How a secondary school as an organization defines and embeds the term college readiness, Michele Critelli
The effects of cognitive strategy instruction on math problem solving of high school students with learning disabilities, Joseph DeVecchis
A grounded theory of individualized learning practices in New Jersey higher education, Dennis William Devery
Writer's workshop: the results when iPads are used by kindergarten students, Ashley Dickol
An investigation of how self-assessment impacts oral reading fluency, Lisle Duffey
What happens when parents and students engage in a collaborative book club?, Samantha Dulude
Faith capital: a persistence study of two student learning communities at a northeastern community college, David Edwards
The effects on physical exercises to improve social communication skills of adolescents with autism, Christopher Fox
Identification of specific learning disability in New Jersey: an illuminative evaluation, Jennifer Garwood
Using iPads to increase on-task behavior of students with autism, Michelle Gould
An exploratory investigation of extracurricular activity and academic achievement, Jean Marie Gwathney
Socially promoted students' lived experience of transition into high school, Anthony Hadzimichalis
An evaluation on the Wilson Reading Program for students with learning disabilities: a longitudinal study, Rosemarie Harrison
Language development in kindergarten students using melodic learning, Tara Hart
The student-teacher relationship in a one-to-one technology classroom: a case study, Kevin Higgins
Response to Intervention, Sarah Iannuzzi
Math anxiety and attitudes in pre-service elementary teachers, Kelly Jackson
Using literature circles to increase reading comprehension and student motivation, Michelle Jacobs
Using iPads in vocabulary instruction for elementary English language learners, Rachel Janice
An examination of alumni engagement at Rowan University, Jessica Kanady
Using echo reading and tracking simultaneously during small group read alouds with preschool children, Erica Knoll
Faculty expectations and perceptions of writing at a community college, Lynn Kraemer-Siracusa
Encouraging parent-student literacy conversations: hosting an upper elementary family literacy event, Morgen Lehr and Lisa Remchuk
A study of the 2014 Freshman Connection: Adventure participants and their involvement at Rowan University, Sabrina LoBue
Self-Authorship: a teaching approach during the after-school community program, Fatjona Lubonja
What motivates middle school students to become better writers?, Julie Mahoney
The emphasis of physical activity across the curriculum; a positive approach to increased academic achievement, Alexandra Maldonado
Using the Raz-Kids reading program to increase reading comprehension and fluency for students with LD, Angela Marchand
Job satisfaction and attrition among special education teachers, Sophia Mastrantuono
Teachers' reflections on their professional development school clinical internship experience: a case study of novice teachers, Lindsay McCarron
What happens when you use multicultural mentor texts as read alouds to generate ideas for writing personal narratives?, Catherine McConathey
Promoting behavior change in Rowan University students through fitness and wellness programming, Megan E. McHugh
Teacher knowledge, skill. and willingness to work with students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Colleen McKnight
Leading and developing a first year learning community for opportunity program students, Penny E. McPherson
Gender advantage? A case study of male nursing students at a New Jersey community college, Kathleen Michell
An examination of a homework and organizational skills intervention for middle school students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Kristy Mitchell
The effects of in-service training on teachers' attitudes towards inclusion, Heather Moore
The effects of Unified Sports on attitudes of college students towards students with intellectual disabilities, William Moylan
Exploring the factors of persistence for African American senior nursing students, Yolanda Nelson
Principals' outlooks on suspension based on socioeconomic status, gender, years of experience, and school type, Jennifer Ohara
Student affairs programs at Rowan University and their impact on students' sense of mattering, Sarah M. Olsen
Effective conversations about literature in ESL, Andrea Ortiz-Soto
Examining the underlying currents of high school girls' perceived STEM self-efficacy and science course options: a mixed methods study, Jill Patterson
A qualitative study: student mothers' perceptions of homogeneous and heterogeneous advisory groupings in secondary settings, Vanessa Pellington
I want to read because...reading motivation in a first grade classroom, Laurie Ann Powell