Approved theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs have been made available to the public on Rowan Digital Works since 2015. Theses and dissertations submitted in digital format between 2010 and 2015, or submitted in paper format between 1996 and 2010 and later scanned, are also available in Rowan Digital Works.

Theses approved between 1996 and 2010 are stored as bound volumes in Campbell Library and may also be online in Rowan Digital Works .Theses produced prior to 1996 are stored as bound volumes in Campbell Library only.

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Theses/Dissertations from 2000


Gender differences in mathematics anxiety and achievement: grades 4-8, Juliet H. McGinley


Classroom management styles and their link to discipline infractions, Joseph F. McGinty


A parent weekly newsletter and its effect on student achievement, Brigid Alise McGuigan


The effectiveness of the Peer Mediation Program in improving the atmosphere in the school and reducing violent acts in the school setting, Robert Milavsky


Increasing self-concept and developmental assets in adolescents using behavioral and psycho-educational interventions, Terriana Milne-Beatty


Teaching research skills with electronic reference tools: a study of curriculum development and articulation, Johanne Milnes


The effects of journal writing on self-concept in group therapy, Kimberly A. Moffitt


The influence of a school's schedule on teaching practices and behaviors, Ann Moore


Impact of the implementation of the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards on time allocation for elementary mathematics instruction, Angela Napoliello-Ivory


Gender identity and course selection, Michele Nasife-Brown


Personality traits and addiction relapse rates: is there a connection?, Lori Sadwin O'Leary


Predictor of gender role attitudes: family composition or subject's gender, Viviann F. Olmedo


Comparison of students eligible for special education services who are involved in extra-curricular activities and those not involved, Lisa M. Owen


Streamlining the accounts payable purchase order procedure and approval process, Alan B. Parmelee


The effect of value instilling literature on elementary aged children, Erika S. Pello


A multicultural club at Hammonton High School, Mildred Peretti


The effect of educational placement on self-concept, Karin Dech Pescatore


A study of the effect of computer-based mastery quizzes on student learning, Darren Provine


The information-seeking experience of users in the reference section of the Rowan University library, Faye E. Robinson


Gender role stereotyping in occupational choices, Paul Michael Rodrigo


Information literacy skills: successful cross-curricular integration at the secondary level in New Jersey, Susan T. Rohrman


The impact of varying teaching style techniques to better match learning styles in the science classroom, Karen M. Santoro


Identifying the role of the school business administrator, Diana L. Schiraldi


The effects of block scheduling on students with special needs, Kimberly C. Seifring


The effects of participation in athletics on the development of high school students with special needs, Derryk Sellers