Approved theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs have been made available to the public on Rowan Digital Works since 2015. Theses and dissertations submitted in digital format between 2010 and 2015, or submitted in paper format between 1996 and 2010 and later scanned, are also available in Rowan Digital Works.

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Theses/Dissertations from 2000


How to use e-mail marketing to build customer relationships, Joseph J. Delmar Sr.


Comparisons between ADD/ADHD diagnosed and non-diagnosed boys, pre-kindergarten through grade eight, Daniel Del Vecchio


Airline reputation: customer service in crisis, Mary Catherine DeMarco


The efficacy and application of cause-related marketing techniques, Ralph S. De Simone


Discipline for the twenty first century: giving back dignity to students with severe behavior disorders, Kimberly S. Devers


A survey comparing attitudes towards mathematics of students in the Interactive Mathematics Program, Anne Marie DeWitt


A comparison of academic growth in emotionally disturbed students in private vs. public school settings, Thomas J. Diaz


Communicating special education student performance, Michael C. Dicken


Accommodating learning disabled students in New Jersey middle school media centers, Dawn Duelly


Understanding students with diabetes: a communication handbook for high schools, Karen M. Ferguson


The power of one: the effect of one athlete's behavior on a sport, Jennifer L. Field


The effects of a pen pal program on attitude toward letter writing in fourth grade students, Lisa Fisher


The effectiveness of the "Making Words" program on reading decoding, Mandy E. Fisher


Computers in the classroom – do they really make a difference in student learning?, Colleen Fitzgerald


The effect of a student assessment instrument in the performance of basic skills mathematics students at the community college level, Matthew Flacche


Teacher motivation, Lisa Francks


Not more important – just different: concerns of middle school female and male students, Marianne W. Gaffney


New Jersey municipalities' methods for building non-emergency community relations, Lizabeth Miller Galantino


An evaluation of the efficacy of a phonological awareness program for learning disabled resource students of average intelligence, Edna H. Garrison


Gambling addiction and personality type, Michael Athanasios Gatis


A study of board members' knowledge of IDEA and New Jersey's Special Education Code, Susan Lynne Geverd


Will the adoption of a more stringent attendance policy improve the attendance of students at Nehaunsey Middle School?, Suzanne F. Gibson


The relationship between locus of control and academic achievement and the role of gender, Smriti Goyal


The effect of an inclusive program on teachers, Anne Grady


The effects of peer-tutoring learning disabled students in a resource center setting on generalization of skills, Patricia L. Grieves